The University of Texas at Austin's Kent Milfeld and Lars Koesterke, co-teachers for Parallel Computing for Scientists and Engineers, in front of the Ranger supercomputer, which students start working on during the second week of the professors' class.
Credit: Texas Advanced Computing Center
The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) has created a supercomputing curriculum designed to teach advanced computing skills to undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Texas at Austin. TACC scientists and researchers are teaching students how to make use of special-purpose, high-end computer systems to solve computational problems beyond the capabilities of typical desktop computers.
The majority of students have backgrounds in chemistry, biology, computer science, geosciences, mathematics, and physics. The program starts by providing students with the basics of programming in the FORTRAN and C++ computer languages, which dominate supercomputing, and leads to classes in which students write complex programs that run efficiently on supercomputers, including TACC's Ranger supercomputer.
Undergraduate students can complete coursework to earn a Certificate of Scientific Computation, while graduate students complete a Portfolio in Scientific Computation.
From University of Texas at Austin
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