Secret agents have long been at the cutting edge of technological developments. By studying how different spy agencies use technology, it’s often been possible to glean an insight into the future. Pocket camera or hidden mic anyone?
But in recent years technological growth has outpaced spy innovation, and so their latest gadgets haven’t been coming from a Q figure, but instead from the outside world. Speaking to Wired.co.uk, Dave Thomas, a former SAS operative, explained exactly how spies are using the same type of technology that you’re likely using right now to write your emails, host your photos and remotely access your PC.
"Whereas before you would have a camera that would be the size of a quarter of a matchbox that could store maybe half an hour’s worth of data video or footage, nowadays the same size device can literally contain weeks of information," Thomas said. "What has changed is the ability to remotely access that information, rather than having to retrieve it from tapes or hard drives. Being able to turn stuff on and off from thousands of miles away, the other side of the world, is a key thing."
From Wired
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