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Communications of the ACM


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subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorABC News (Australia)

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Australia Responds to Rapid Rise of AI
From ACM TechNews

Australia Responds to Rapid Rise of AI

In response to accelerated use of AI technologies, the Australian government has announced plans to formulate mandatory "safeguards" for the highest-risk AI technologies...

Criminal Lawyer Warns AI Could Make Courtrooms 'Doubt Their Own Eyes'
From ACM News

Criminal Lawyer Warns AI Could Make Courtrooms 'Doubt Their Own Eyes'

Australia's federal government is considering new regulations for AI technology.

Fruit-Picking Robot Eve Ready to Harvest Apples Commercially, as Shortage of Workers Persists
From ACM TechNews

Fruit-Picking Robot Eve Ready to Harvest Apples Commercially, as Shortage of Workers Persists

Australian startup Ripe Robotics spent four years developing its autonomous fruit-picking robot Eve, which is processing apples in orchards owned amid a labor shortage...
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