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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Coding Bootcamps in the Time of COVID
From ACM News

Coding Bootcamps in the Time of COVID

Immersive coding schools have headed online, where their job orientation is more intense than ever.

Ayanna Howard Named ACM Athena Lecturer
From ACM TechNews

Ayanna Howard Named ACM Athena Lecturer

ACM has named Ayanna Howard, dean of the Ohio State University College of Engineering, its 2021-2022 ACM Athena Lecturer.

Quantum Simulator Beats Quantum Hardware
From ACM News

Quantum Simulator Beats Quantum Hardware

Toshiba's quasi-quantum optimization algorithm on Microsoft's Azure cloud outperforms today's fledgling quantum computer speeds.

Election Security: A Scientific View
From ACM News

Election Security: A Scientific View

Barbara Simons and the issues with Internet voting.

The Doctor Will Hear You Soon
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The Doctor Will Hear You Soon

The vocal biomarker community is getting louder.  

Cyber-Securing the Home Office
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Cyber-Securing the Home Office

Patching the security holes that arise when working from home.

Quantum Sensing Takes Shape
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Quantum Sensing Takes Shape

Opening up the world around us by detecting changes in quantum states.

The Economic Payoff of Federally Funded IT Research
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The Economic Payoff of Federally Funded IT Research

How basic IT research has yielded huge commercial benefits.

Reimagining Contact
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Reimagining Contact

Covid-19, which challenges how we interact with one another, is accelerating the development of touchless technologies.

ACM Prize Awarded to Pioneer in Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

ACM Prize Awarded to Pioneer in Quantum Computing

ACM has named Scott Aaronson the recipient of the 2020 ACM Prize in Computing for his pioneering contributions to quantum computing.

Automating the Farm
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Automating the Farm

Seeking increased yields with precision agriculture technology.

Democratizing Facial Authentication
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Democratizing Facial Authentication

Intel's RealSense ID solution performs facial identification on device, not in the cloud.

The State of Quantum Computing
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The State of Quantum Computing

Recent developments in the field may signal quantum technology will soon be ready for prime time.

Deep Learning Aces Protein Folding
From ACM News

Deep Learning Aces Protein Folding

In a long-running prediction challenge, DeepMind's algorithms change the game.

Predicting When Volcanoes Will Blow
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Predicting When Volcanoes Will Blow

Experts hope machine learning can help warn local residents of impending eruptions.

Avoiding Coronavirus Infections to the Email
From ACM News

Avoiding Coronavirus Infections to the Email

Cybercriminals go phishing with COVID lures.

Higher Education Readies for a Quantum Leap
From ACM News

Higher Education Readies for a Quantum Leap

The nascent quantum industry is calling on higher education to begin preparing a quantum workforce with a broader, less specialized range of technical skills.

DARPA's Subterranean Challenge Scores
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DARPA's Subterranean Challenge Scores

The U.S. Defense Department agency has been sponsoring underground circuit competitions for robotic hardware systems for the last three years.

Valuing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Computing Community
From ACM News

Valuing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Computing Community

Improving diversity is everybody’s job.

Majorana Meltdown Jeopardizes Microsoft's Quantum Computer
From ACM News

Majorana Meltdown Jeopardizes Microsoft's Quantum Computer

Majorana particles would make perfect qubits to build a large quantum computer, but their creation and detection in 2018 was probably no more than overinterpreted...
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