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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Doing Something About the Weather
From ACM News

Doing Something About the Weather

Computer scientists commit to climate action.

The Impact of AI on Organizations
From ACM News

The Impact of AI on Organizations

Implementing artificial intelligence through the looking glass of digital anthropology.

What's That Smell?
From ACM News

What's That Smell?

A new system can mimic the brain's olfactory senses.

Partnering With AI
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Partnering With AI

Human-machine interaction gets a fresh look.

Predicting Cyberattacks
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Predicting Cyberattacks

A growing number of researchers are focusing on being more proactive in predicting and preventing cyberattacks, rather than reactively fixing problems later.

A Life-Saving Jog to the Memory
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A Life-Saving Jog to the Memory

An artificial intelligence-based sensor system can prevent children from being forgotten in locked cars.

Coping with Burnout in IT
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Coping with Burnout in IT

Supporting staffers working from home adds another layer to the stress many IT professionals already were feeling.

 AI Xenobots
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AI Xenobots

Robots wrought from living cells.

3D Printing Takes Shape During the Pandemic
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3D Printing Takes Shape During the Pandemic

Three-dimensional printing is transforming medicine during the coronavirus pandemic.

ACM U.S. Technology Policy Committee Urges Supreme Court to Narrowly Interpret Computer Fraud Act
From ACM TechNews

ACM U.S. Technology Policy Committee Urges Supreme Court to Narrowly Interpret Computer Fraud Act

ACM's U.S. Technology Policy Committee Thursday filed an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Supreme Court urging the court to narrowly interpret the Computer Fraud...

Now You See It, Now You Don’t
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Now You See It, Now You Don’t

The potential of augmented reality art.

 Towards an Unhackable Quantum Internet
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Towards an Unhackable Quantum Internet

Harvard University researchers achieve “a milestone along the path to a worldwide quantum Internet.”

Pandemic Makes Modeling's Importance Clear
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Pandemic Makes Modeling's Importance Clear

The number of COVID-19 models was growing so numerous that one laboratory created a COVID-19 forecasting hub featuring an ensemble output of numerous models.

Stopping the Exploiters
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Stopping the Exploiters

An angry public demands an end to phishing sites exploiting Covid-19.  

Blocking Facial Recognition
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Blocking Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology faces opposition from technology industry giants, and from the grass roots.

Bolstering Bandwidth with Dual-Channel Wi-Fi
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Bolstering Bandwidth with Dual-Channel Wi-Fi

Looking at solutions to handle growing Wi-Fi traffic.

Pioneer of Modern Data Center Design Receives Eckert-Mauchly Award
From ACM TechNews

Pioneer of Modern Data Center Design Receives Eckert-Mauchly Award

ACM and the IEEE Computer Society have named Google's Luiz Andre Barroso to receive the 2020 Eckert-Mauchly Award.

ACM Honors Computing Innovators for Advances in Research, Education, Industry
From ACM TechNews

ACM Honors Computing Innovators for Advances in Research, Education, Industry

ACM has named leading innovators to receive three prestigious awards for their contributions to research, education, and industry.

New ACM Award to Recognize Research using HPC to Combat COVID-19
From ACM News

New ACM Award to Recognize Research using HPC to Combat COVID-19

Nominations are now open for the Gordon Bell Special Prize for high-performance-computing-based COVID-19 research.

ACM Europe TPC Statement on Principles, Practices for COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications
From ACM TechNews

ACM Europe TPC Statement on Principles, Practices for COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications

The Europe Technology Policy Committee of ACM has detailed essential principles and practices for policymakers about deploying COVID-19 contact tracing systems....
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