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subjectComputer Systems

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

First European Quantum Computing Facility Goes Online
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First European Quantum Computing Facility Goes Online

Quantum Inspire is smaller than IBM's Quantum Experience, but offers the first online quantum processor that uses electron spins in quantum dots as qubits.

AI Shakes Up the Seismology World
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AI Shakes Up the Seismology World

Artificial intelligence is reshaping our understanding of earthquakes and other seismological events

It's a New Digital Ballgame
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It's a New Digital Ballgame

Digital technology brings new elements to sports.

The Future of the Supply Chain
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The Future of the Supply Chain

Experts agree supplies increasingly will be near-sourced.

Hot Qubits and Goldilocks Ions
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Hot Qubits and Goldilocks Ions

Eyeing the latest solutions in quantum computing.

Bulletproofing RISC-V Cores
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Bulletproofing RISC-V Cores

The RISC-V open standard instruction-set architecture can improve cybersecurity.

Why Did We Go Digital?
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Why Did We Go Digital?

Princeton University's Ken Steiglitz feels an attachment to the analog.

Picking Locks with Audio Technology
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Picking Locks with Audio Technology

How eavesdropping smartphones could give thieves a copy of your front door key.

Finding Common Ground
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Finding Common Ground

Self-driving vehicles start to understand pedestrians, cyclists.

The Impact of AI on Organizations
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The Impact of AI on Organizations

Implementing artificial intelligence through the looking glass of digital anthropology.

What's That Smell?
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What's That Smell?

A new system can mimic the brain's olfactory senses.

 AI Xenobots
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AI Xenobots

Robots wrought from living cells.

 Towards an Unhackable Quantum Internet
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Towards an Unhackable Quantum Internet

Harvard University researchers achieve “a milestone along the path to a worldwide quantum Internet.”

Blocking Facial Recognition
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Blocking Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology faces opposition from technology industry giants, and from the grass roots.

Pioneer of Modern Data Center Design Receives Eckert-Mauchly Award
From ACM TechNews

Pioneer of Modern Data Center Design Receives Eckert-Mauchly Award

ACM and the IEEE Computer Society have named Google's Luiz Andre Barroso to receive the 2020 Eckert-Mauchly Award.

New ACM Award to Recognize Research using HPC to Combat COVID-19
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New ACM Award to Recognize Research using HPC to Combat COVID-19

Nominations are now open for the Gordon Bell Special Prize for high-performance-computing-based COVID-19 research.

2019 ACM Fellows Recognized for Far-Reaching Accomplishments that Define the Digital Age
From ACM TechNews

2019 ACM Fellows Recognized for Far-Reaching Accomplishments that Define the Digital Age

ACM has recognized 58 members by naming them 2019 ACM Fellows for their contributions to areas that underpin the defining technologies of the digital age. 

Inaugural ACM Chuck Thacker Breakthrough Award Recognizes Fundamental Contributions that Enable Cloud Computing
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Inaugural ACM Chuck Thacker Breakthrough Award Recognizes Fundamental Contributions that Enable Cloud Computing

Stanford University's Mendel Rosenblum transformed datacenters by reinventing virtual machines.

2 to Receive 2017 Acm/ieee George Michael Memorial Hpc Fellowships
From ACM News

2 to Receive 2017 Acm/ieee George Michael Memorial Hpc Fellowships

The Fellowships honor exceptional Ph.D. students worldwide whose research focuses on high-performance computing, networking, storage, and large-scale data analysis...

Amir Pnueli, Distinguished Computer Scientist and Researcher, Dies
From ACM News

Amir Pnueli, Distinguished Computer Scientist and Researcher, Dies

Amir Pnueli, a professor of Computer Science at New York University and winner of the 1996 ACM A. M. Turing Award, died suddenly on November 2 of a brain hemorrhage...
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