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subjectArtificial Intelligence

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Keshav Pingali Recognized with ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award
From ACM News

Keshav Pingali Recognized with ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award

The award will be formally presented to Pingali in November at The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC23)...

ChatGPT in the Classroom
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ChatGPT in the Classroom

ChatGPT is giving educators headaches and forcing them to reinvent how classrooms work.

AI Will Augment SEO
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AI Will Augment SEO

Adding artificial intelligence to search engines enables enhanced Search Engine Optimization and Marketing.  

'Let a Thousand AIs Bloom'
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'Let a Thousand AIs Bloom'

Data science and philosophy professsor David Danks on the lack of diversity in artificial intelligence research.

Artificial Intelligence Still Can't Form Concepts
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Artificial Intelligence Still Can't Form Concepts

Concepts and abstraction are key to unlocking AI's full potential.

Turning AI to Crime
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Turning AI to Crime

How cybercriminals use ChatGPT in creating malware and cyberattacks.  

Rage Against the Intelligent Machines
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Rage Against the Intelligent Machines

AI safety concerns mount as Large Language Model risks are revealed.

Will AI Replace Computer Programmers?
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Will AI Replace Computer Programmers?

Advances in artificial intelligence tools that can code could improve productivity, but portend disruption.

The Quest for Environmentally Sustainable Materials
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The Quest for Environmentally Sustainable Materials

Machine Learning increasingly is being used to aid material discovery, since it can drastically speed up the process

Capturing What is Said
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Capturing What is Said

Artificial intelligence is boosting the capabilities of automatic speech recognition.

Fending off Cyberattacks on Collaborative Robots
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Fending off Cyberattacks on Collaborative Robots

Hackers leverage IoT, IIoT vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to cobots.

Ears on AI and Data
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Ears on AI and Data

A round-up of podcasts focused on artificial intelligence and/or data.

Why the Simplex Method, at Age 75, is Still the Go-To Algorithm
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Why the Simplex Method, at Age 75, is Still the Go-To Algorithm

Daniel A. Spielman and colleague Shang-hua Teng solved the mystery of the Simplex Method using a technique called smoothed analysis.

ACM TechBrief: Policies Needed for Safer Algorithmic Systems
From ACM TechNews

ACM TechBrief: Policies Needed for Safer Algorithmic Systems

A TechBrief released by ACM's global Technology Policy Council warns the spread of algorithmic systems carries with it unaddressed risks.

Computers Aid Dentistry
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Computers Aid Dentistry

Small-scale CAD/CAM tools are among the high-tech capabilities being added to the arsenals of increasingly digital dentists.

AI is Solving Classical Computing's Quantum Problem
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AI is Solving Classical Computing's Quantum Problem

Quantum computers, once thought to be "superior" to classical computers, increasingly are being seen as yet another accelerator for specialized problems, according...

Is AI Becoming Sentient?
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Is AI Becoming Sentient?

Determining AI's sentience, its capacity to experience feelings and sensations, will take some time.

Deep Learning is Human, Through and Through
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Deep Learning is Human, Through and Through

At the 9th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, a diverse panel of researchers discussed the applications and implications of deep learning.

AI Supports Displaced Peoples, Refugees in Ukraine and Beyond
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AI Supports Displaced Peoples, Refugees in Ukraine and Beyond

Artificial intelligence is playing a growing role in refugee relief and resettlement programs.

AI In Your Ears
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AI In Your Ears

Binaural learning enhances speech while minimizing noise.
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