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subjectPersonal Computing

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

John H. Holland 1929-2015
From Communications of the ACM

John H. Holland 1929-2015

John Henry Holland, a pioneer in the study of complex adaptive systems and of what became known as genetic algorithms, died in August at the age of 86.

Visualizations Make Big Data Meaningful
From Communications of the ACM

Visualizations Make Big Data Meaningful

New techniques are designed to translate "invisible numbers" into visible images.

ACM Fellows Inducted
From Communications of the ACM

ACM Fellows Inducted

ACM has recognized 50 of its members for their contributions to computing that are driving innovations across multiple domains and disciplines. 

ACM Honors Computing Innovators
From Communications of the ACM

ACM Honors Computing Innovators

ACM's awards celebrate achievements in networks, information retrieval, multi-agent systems, computer science education, versatile compiler technologies, and more...

ACM Fellows Inducted
From Communications of the ACM

ACM Fellows Inducted

Forty-six men and women are recognized as 2011 ACM Fellows.

ACM Award Recipients
From Communications of the ACM

ACM Award Recipients

Craig Gentry, Kurt Mehlhorn, and other computer scientists are honored for their research and service.

From Communications of the ACM

ACM Fellows Honored

Forty-one men and women are inducted as 2010 ACM Fellows.

ACM Turing Award Goes to Creator of First Modern Personal Computer
From ACM News

ACM Turing Award Goes to Creator of First Modern Personal Computer

ACM has named Charles P. Thacker the winner of the 2009 ACM A.M. Turing Award for his pioneering design and realization of the Alto, the first modern personal computer...

From Communications of the ACM

ACM Fellows Honored

Forty-seven men and women are inducted as 2009 ACM Fellows.

From ACM TechNews

Paris Event to Showcase Informatics Advances, Honor European Pioneers

The fifth edition of the European Computer Science Summit (ECSS) will take place in Paris on October 8-9, 2009, with a special workshop for new (and not so new)...

Computer Graphics Innovator Wins ACM Siggraph Research Award
From ACM News

Computer Graphics Innovator Wins ACM Siggraph Research Award

ACM SIGGRAPH has awarded its 2009 Significant New Researcher Award to Wojciech Matusik for his original contributions to accurately capturing and representing real...

MIT Student Develops Wearable Interface That Relies on Hand Gestures
From ACM News

MIT Student Develops Wearable Interface That Relies on Hand Gestures

Dr. Pattie Maes, Director of the Fluid Interfaces Group at the MIT Media Lab and Pranav Mistry (pictured), a graduate student within the same group, have developed...

From ACM TechNews

Internet2: Full Speed Ahead

The Internet2 nonprofit consortium is engaged in the development, implementation, and use of networking technologies to tap a massive volume of new URL address...
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