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subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorArs Technica

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Uss mccain collision Ultimately Caused By Ui Confusion
From ACM News

Uss mccain collision Ultimately Caused By Ui Confusion

On November 1, the US Navy issued its report on the collisions of the USS Fitzgerald and USS John S. McCain this summer.

Inspired By Brain's Visual Cortex, New AI ­tterly Wrecks Captcha Security
From ACM News

Inspired By Brain's Visual Cortex, New AI ­tterly Wrecks Captcha Security

Computer algorithms have gotten much better at recognizing patterns, like specific animals or people's faces, allowing software to automatically categorize large...

Serious Flaw in Wpa2 Protocol Lets Attackers Intercept Passwords and Much More
From ACM TechNews

Serious Flaw in Wpa2 Protocol Lets Attackers Intercept Passwords and Much More

Researchers have discovered a severe flaw in the WPA2 protocol that enables hackers within range of a vulnerable device or access point to intercept passwords and...

Is Beaming Down In star Trek a Death Sentence?
From ACM Opinion

Is Beaming Down In star Trek a Death Sentence?

In the 2009 movie Star Trek, Captain Kirk and Sulu plummeted down toward the planet Vulcan without a parachute. "Beam us up, beam us up!" Kirk shouted in desperation...

With the Uss mccain Collision, Even Navy Tech Can't Overcome Human Shortcomings
From ACM News

With the Uss mccain Collision, Even Navy Tech Can't Overcome Human Shortcomings

In the darkness of early morning on August 21, the guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain collided with a tanker in the Strait of Malacca off Singapore.

Radio Navigation Set to Make Global Return as Gps Backup, Because Cyber 
From ACM News

Radio Navigation Set to Make Global Return as Gps Backup, Because Cyber 

Way back in the 1980s, when I was a young naval officer, the Global Positioning System was still in its experimental stage.

Level ­p: How Video Games Evolved to Solve Significant Scientific Problems
From ACM News

Level ­p: How Video Games Evolved to Solve Significant Scientific Problems

In the early 1950s, just as rock 'n' roll was hinting at social change, the first video games were quietly being designed in the form of technology demonstrations—and...

Concerned About Connected Car Privacy? Bluetooth Sensors Used to Track Traffic
From ACM News

Concerned About Connected Car Privacy? Bluetooth Sensors Used to Track Traffic

One big promise of the connected car revolution has been the potential to help clear up traffic problems.

Pocket Brains: Neuromorphic Hardware Arrives For Our Brain-Inspired Algorithms
From ACM News

Pocket Brains: Neuromorphic Hardware Arrives For Our Brain-Inspired Algorithms

As the world's great companies pursue autonomous cars, they're essentially spending billions of dollars to get machines to do what your average two-year-old can...

'internet of Ships' Tells Tale of ­ss Fitzgerald Tragedy, Or Half of It
From ACM News

'internet of Ships' Tells Tale of ­ss Fitzgerald Tragedy, Or Half of It

On early Saturday morning off the coast of Japan, the Philippines-flagged cargo container carrierACX Crystal struck the USS Fitzgerald (DDG-62) on its starboard...

How a Few Yellow Dots Burned the Intercept's Nsa Leaker
From ACM News

How a Few Yellow Dots Burned the Intercept's Nsa Leaker

When reporters at The Intercept approached the National Security Agency on June 1 to confirm a document that had been anonymously leaked to the publication in May...

Leaked Nsa Report Says Russians Tried to Hack State Election Officials
From ACM News

Leaked Nsa Report Says Russians Tried to Hack State Election Officials

A Top Secret NSA analyst's report published by The Intercept suggests that, in August 2016, the Russian General Main Staff Intelligence Directorate (GRU) hacked...

Got a Face-Recognition Algorithm? ­ncle Sam Wants to Review It
From ACM News

Got a Face-Recognition Algorithm? ­ncle Sam Wants to Review It

The nation's top-level intelligence office, the Director of National Intelligence, wants to find "the most accurate unconstrained face recognition algorithm."

Heads ­p: Augmented Reality Prepares For the Battlefield
From ACM News

Heads ­p: Augmented Reality Prepares For the Battlefield

At last week's Pentagon Lab Day in Washington, DC, the Army's Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center (CERDEC) and Army Research...

The State of the Car Computer: Forget Horsepower, We Want Megahertz!
From ACM News

The State of the Car Computer: Forget Horsepower, We Want Megahertz!

If I asked you "how many computing devices do you own?" your mind will probably first jump to your PCs and laptops at home, and then to your smartphones and tablets...

For Sale: Your Private Browsing History
From ACM News

For Sale: Your Private Browsing History

The US House of Representatives voted Tuesday to eliminate ISP privacy rules, following the Senate vote to take the same action last week. The legislation to kill...

In Not-Too-Distant Future, Brain Hackers Could Steal Your Deepest Secrets
From ACM News

In Not-Too-Distant Future, Brain Hackers Could Steal Your Deepest Secrets

In the beginning, people hacked phones.

­.s. Intelligence Seeks a ­niversal Translator For Text Search in Any Language
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Intelligence Seeks a ­niversal Translator For Text Search in Any Language

The U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity's Machine Translation for English Retrieval of Information in Any Language program aims to give researchers...

US Intelligence Seeks a Universal Translator For Text Search in Any Language
From ACM News

US Intelligence Seeks a Universal Translator For Text Search in Any Language

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency (IARPA), the US Intelligence Community’s own science and technology research arm, has announced it is seeking...

Google Deepmind Could Invent the Next Generation of AI By Playing Starcraft 2
From ACM News

Google Deepmind Could Invent the Next Generation of AI By Playing Starcraft 2

The announcement at BlizzCon 2016 that met with the most muted response was arguably the most revolutionary.
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