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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorArs Technica

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

'we All Love the Tomahawk:' A Brief History of ­.s.'s Favorite Robotic Killer
From ACM News

'we All Love the Tomahawk:' A Brief History of ­.s.'s Favorite Robotic Killer

In the early hours of Friday morning, two U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyers in the waters of the eastern Mediterranean Sea launched a barrage of Tomahawk Land...

Single Atom Feels the Quantum Heat
From ACM News

Single Atom Feels the Quantum Heat

Thermal transport—the way heat is carried away from a processor, for instance—is very familiar to us.

Observations Catch a Supernova Three Hours After It Exploded
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Observations Catch a Supernova Three Hours After It Exploded

The skies are full of transient events.

We Finally Have a Computer that Can Survive the Surface of Venus
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We Finally Have a Computer that Can Survive the Surface of Venus

Venus is one of the most inhospitable places in the solar system.

Information Paradox and Black Holes in Plasmas
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Information Paradox and Black Holes in Plasmas

Black holes are a problem for physics, and the physics community has never fully warmed to the idea of them.

Google Brain Super-Resolution Image Tech Makes 'zoom, Enhance!' Real
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Google Brain Super-Resolution Image Tech Makes 'zoom, Enhance!' Real

Google Brain has devised some new software that can create detailed images from tiny, pixelated source images. Google's software, in short, basically means thetrope...

In Not-Too-Distant Future, Brain Hackers Could Steal Your Deepest Secrets
From ACM News

In Not-Too-Distant Future, Brain Hackers Could Steal Your Deepest Secrets

In the beginning, people hacked phones.

­.s. Intelligence Seeks a ­niversal Translator For Text Search in Any Language
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Intelligence Seeks a ­niversal Translator For Text Search in Any Language

The U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity's Machine Translation for English Retrieval of Information in Any Language program aims to give researchers...

Back to the Future: Silicon May Work For Quantum Computing
From ACM News

Back to the Future: Silicon May Work For Quantum Computing

Although I write a lot about quantum computing, I've not really paid much attention to performing quantum computations with silicon-based qubits. Luckily Stephanie...

Who's Winning the Cyber War? The Squirrels, of Course
From ACM News

Who's Winning the Cyber War? The Squirrels, of Course

Hackers Trigger Yet Another Power Outage in Ukraine
From ACM News

Hackers Trigger Yet Another Power Outage in Ukraine

Dod Successfully Tests Terrifying Swarm of 104 Micro-Drones
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Dod Successfully Tests Terrifying Swarm of 104 Micro-Drones

The Department of Defense has released video of a test of swarming drones conducted in the skies over the US Navy's test range at Naval Air Weapons Station China...

Nasa Chooses Two Asteroid Missions Instead of a Venus Return
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Nasa Chooses Two Asteroid Missions Instead of a Venus Return

For the planetary science community, the day when NASA makes the final call on new Solar System exploration missions always feels bittersweet.

Grids of Defects Make Diamonds Practical For Quantum Computing
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Grids of Defects Make Diamonds Practical For Quantum Computing

One of the more exciting things happening in physics at the moment is the development of quantum computers that may actually be able to do something useful. 

The Army's Looking Into Putting Bacteria Into Its Electronics
From ACM News

The Army's Looking Into Putting Bacteria Into Its Electronics

If you're not familiar with the terms "synthetic biology" or "biohybrid systems," you may want to add them to your vocabulary.

Google Deepmind Could Invent the Next Generation of AI By Playing Starcraft 2
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Google Deepmind Could Invent the Next Generation of AI By Playing Starcraft 2

The announcement at BlizzCon 2016 that met with the most muted response was arguably the most revolutionary.

Japan Plans Supercomputer to Leap Into Technology Future
From ACM News

Japan Plans Supercomputer to Leap Into Technology Future

Japan plans to build the world's fastest-known supercomputer in a bid to arm the country's manufacturers with a platform for research that could help them develop...

Internet-Based and Open Source: How E-Voting Works Around the Globe
From ACM TechNews

Internet-Based and Open Source: How E-Voting Works Around the Globe

Although electronic voting in various forms has become more prevalent outside the U.S., its primary difficulties include its inability to verify source code and...

Thanks For the Memory: How Cheap Ram Changes Computing
From ACM News

Thanks For the Memory: How Cheap Ram Changes Computing

RAM (random access memory) is a component of every computer system, from tiny embedded controllers to enterprise servers.

The Perpetual Lineup: Half of ­S Adults in a Face-Recognition Database
From ACM News

The Perpetual Lineup: Half of ­S Adults in a Face-Recognition Database

Half of American adults are in a face-recognition database, according to a Georgetown University study released Tuesday.
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