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subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorArs Technica

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Ipv6 Celebrates Its 20th Birthday By Reaching 10 Percent Deployment
From ACM News

Ipv6 Celebrates Its 20th Birthday By Reaching 10 Percent Deployment

Twenty years ago this month, RFC 1883 was published: Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification.

Backslash: Anti-Surveillance Gadgets For Protesters
From ACM Careers

Backslash: Anti-Surveillance Gadgets For Protesters

When riot police descended on protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, last year sporting assault rifles and armored vehicles, the images sparked an awareness of the military...

MIT ­ses Wireless Signals to Identify People Through Walls
From ACM News

MIT ­ses Wireless Signals to Identify People Through Walls

MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab is developing a device that uses wireless signals to identify human figures through walls.

Nsa Advisory Sparks Concern of Secret Advance ­shering in Cryptoapocalypse
From ACM News

Nsa Advisory Sparks Concern of Secret Advance ­shering in Cryptoapocalypse

In August, National Security Agency officials advised US agencies and businesses to prepare for a not-too-distant time when the cryptography protecting virtually...

How the Nsa Can Break Trillions of Encrypted Web and Vpn Connections
From ACM News

How the Nsa Can Break Trillions of Encrypted Web and Vpn Connections

For years, privacy advocates have pushed developers of websites, virtual private network apps, and other cryptographic software to adopt the Diffie-Hellman cryptographic...

How Soviets ­sed IBM Selectric Keyloggers to Spy on ­S Diplomats
From ACM News

How Soviets ­sed IBM Selectric Keyloggers to Spy on ­S Diplomats

A National Security Agency memo that recently resurfaced a few years after it was first published contains a detailed analysis of what very possibly was the world's...

Europe's Highest Court Strikes Down Safe Harbor Data Sharing Between Eu, US
From ACM News

Europe's Highest Court Strikes Down Safe Harbor Data Sharing Between Eu, US

Europe's top court, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), has struck down the 15-year-old Safe Harbour agreement that allowed the free flow of information...

How the Nfl—not the Nsa—is Impacting Data Gathering Well Beyond the Gridiron
From ACM News

How the Nfl—not the Nsa—is Impacting Data Gathering Well Beyond the Gridiron

As guards were going so far as to check inside NFL fans' wallets as part of routine security measures before a recent preseason game at Levi's Stadium, a different...

Reflective Satellites May Be the Future of High-End Encryption
From ACM News

Reflective Satellites May Be the Future of High-End Encryption

Quantum key distribution is regularly touted as the encryption of the future. While the keys are exchanged on an insecure channel, the laws of physics provide a...

Nsa Preps Quantum-Resistant Algorithms to Head Off Crypto-Apocalypse
From ACM News

Nsa Preps Quantum-Resistant Algorithms to Head Off Crypto-Apocalypse

The National Security Agency is advising U.S. agencies and businesses to prepare for a time in the not-too-distant future when the cryptography protecting virtually...

Toss Your Manual Overboard; Augmented Reality Aims at Big Industry
From ACM Careers

Toss Your Manual Overboard; Augmented Reality Aims at Big Industry

For better or for worse, augmented reality (AR) is charging forward in the consumer space—but there's a place for AR in the industrial world as well.

Shock European Court Decision: Websites Are Liable For ­sers' Comments
From ACM News

Shock European Court Decision: Websites Are Liable For ­sers' Comments

In a surprise decision, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg has ruled that the Estonian news site Delfi may be held responsible for anonymous...

Oculus Rift Hack Transfers Your Facial Expressions Onto Your Virtual Avatar
From ACM News

Oculus Rift Hack Transfers Your Facial Expressions Onto Your Virtual Avatar

When Facebook bought Oculus VR back in March of 2014, many wondered exactly what the social network was going to do with it; let's face it, many of us are still wondering...

Researchers Craft Network Attack to 'hack' Surgical Robot (sort Of)
From ACM News

Researchers Craft Network Attack to 'hack' Surgical Robot (sort Of)

As part of a series of experiments, a group of researchers at the University of Washington's BioRobotics Lab launched denial-of-service attacks against a remotely...

Project Elysium Wants to ­se Vr to Revive Deceased Loved Ones
From ACM News

Project Elysium Wants to ­se Vr to Revive Deceased Loved Ones

How far is too far when it comes to pushing the boundaries of virtual reality?

Augmented Reality Gets to Work—and Gets Past the 'glassholes'
From ACM News

Augmented Reality Gets to Work—and Gets Past the 'glassholes'

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that has been on the cusp of becoming the next big thing for over 20 years.

Machine Consciousness: Big Data Analytics and the Internet of Things
From ACM News

Machine Consciousness: Big Data Analytics and the Internet of Things

During my visit to General Electric's Global Research Centers in San Ramon, California, and Niskayuna, New York, last month, I got what amounts to an end-to-end...

For a Brighter Robotics Future, It's Time to Offload Their Brains
From ACM News

For a Brighter Robotics Future, It's Time to Offload Their Brains

Robots already stand in for humans in some of the dullest and most dangerous jobs there are, handling everything from painting cars to drilling rocks on Mars.

Surveillance-Based Manipulation: How Facebook or Google Could Tilt Elections
From ACM Opinion

Surveillance-Based Manipulation: How Facebook or Google Could Tilt Elections

Someone who knows things about us has some measure of control over us, and someone who knows everything about us has a lot of control over us.

Secrets Become History: Edward Snowden in Citizenfour Wins Documentary Oscar
From ACM Opinion

Secrets Become History: Edward Snowden in Citizenfour Wins Documentary Oscar

Citizenfour is filmmaker Laura Poitras' account of the first meetings between herself, Glenn Greenwald, and Edward Snowden.
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