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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Welcome to the Super Bowl For Robots
From ACM TechNews

Welcome to the Super Bowl For Robots

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's robotics competition is aimed at developing a robot that can function in disaster zones. 

Judge's Word on Nsa Program Won't Be the Last
From ACM News

Judge's Word on Nsa Program Won't Be the Last

A federal judge made headlines Monday by declaring that the National Security Agency's bulk collection of millions of Americans' telephone records is likely unconstitutional...

Pilot ­se of Automation Eyed in Air Crashes
From ACM News

Pilot ­se of Automation Eyed in Air Crashes

Pilots are becoming so reliant on the computer systems that do most of the flying in today's airliners that on the rare occasions when something goes wrong, they're...

Biometrics Researchers See World Without Passwords
From ACM TechNews

Biometrics Researchers See World Without Passwords

Emerging biometric technologies could replace the use of passwords. 

Google's 'hummingbird' Hatches New Search Formula
From ACM TechNews

Google's 'hummingbird' Hatches New Search Formula

The formula underlying Google's search engine has been overhauled as part of its Hummingbird update, to yield better answers to increasingly complex queries. 

Ambivalence on Civil Liberties, Terrorism
From ACM News

Ambivalence on Civil Liberties, Terrorism

When it comes to the balance between civil liberties and the war on terrorism, Americans seem to want the best of both worlds.

Experts See Potential Perils in Brazil Push to Break With U.s.-Centric Internet Over Nsa Spying
From ACM News

Experts See Potential Perils in Brazil Push to Break With U.s.-Centric Internet Over Nsa Spying

Brazil is planning to remove itself from the U.S.-centric Internet in the aftermath of the U.S. National Security Agency's online spying program.

Terrorists Turn to Online Chat Rooms to Evade U.s.
From ACM News

Terrorists Turn to Online Chat Rooms to Evade U.s.

Al-Qaida fighters have been using secretive chat rooms and encrypted Internet message boards for planning and coordinating attacks, including the threatened if...

Fledgling 3D Printing Industry Finds Home in Nyc
From ACM Careers

Fledgling 3D Printing Industry Finds Home in Nyc

It looks like a bakery. A warm glow emanates from the windows of big, oven-like machines, and a dusting of white powder covers everything.

Researchers Aim to Create Virtual Speech Therapist
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Aim to Create Virtual Speech Therapist

Researchers working to develop a virtual speech therapist, technology that could help people overcome the language disorder known as aphasia. 

Nsa Revelations Reframe Digital Life For Some
From ACM News

Nsa Revelations Reframe Digital Life For Some

In Louisiana, the wife of a former soldier is scaling back on Facebook posts and considering unfriending old acquaintances, worried an innocuous joke or long-lost...

In Worldwide Surveillance Age, U.s. Has Big Edge
From ACM News

In Worldwide Surveillance Age, U.s. Has Big Edge

The saga of Edward Snowden and the NSA makes one thing clear: The United States' central role in developing the Internet and hosting its most powerful players has...

Move Over Messi, Here Come the Robots
From ACM TechNews

Move Over Messi, Here Come the Robots

More than 1,000 soccer-playing robots from 40 countries are competing against each other in the RoboCup soccer tournament. 

Coding Camps For Kids Rise in Popularity
From ACM TechNews

Coding Camps For Kids Rise in Popularity

Coding camps for children are becoming increasingly popular amid an expanding initiative to inspire more youths to seek computer science degrees. 

Secret to Prism Program: Even Bigger Data Seizure
From ACM News

Secret to Prism Program: Even Bigger Data Seizure

In the months and early years after 9/11, FBI agents began showing up at Microsoft Corp. more frequently than before, armed with court orders demanding information...

1st Web Page Proves as Elusive as Mysteries of the Universe
From ACM TechNews

1st Web Page Proves as Elusive as Mysteries of the Universe

Scientists may never make a clear-cut discovery of the first Web page ever created because of the nature of how data is stored.

­ssr's Old Domain Name Attracts Cybercriminals
From ACM News

­ssr's Old Domain Name Attracts Cybercriminals

The Soviet Union disappeared from the map more than two decades ago. But online an 'e-vil empire' is thriving.

Kissing Cousins? In Close-Knit Iceland, App Helps Prevent Incest
From ACM TechNews

Kissing Cousins? In Close-Knit Iceland, App Helps Prevent Incest

An app making the Islendingabok (Book of Icelanders) available to Android phones notifies Icelanders when people they meet are too closely related to date. 

British Library Sets Out to Archive the Web
From ACM TechNews

British Library Sets Out to Archive the Web

The British Library is archiving every British website and e-book for future researchers. 

Robot Hot Among Surgeons But Fda Taking Fresh Look
From ACM Careers

Robot Hot Among Surgeons But Fda Taking Fresh Look

The biggest thing in operating rooms these days is a million-dollar, multi-armed robot named da Vinci, used in nearly 400,000 surgeries nationwide last year—triple...
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