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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Race to Build Driverless Cars Is in Full Throttle
From ACM TechNews

Race to Build Driverless Cars Is in Full Throttle

Researchers claim they are just five years away from having all of the tools and the knowledge needed to market a fully autonomous vehicle. 

End of the Line For Roadrunner Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

End of the Line For Roadrunner Supercomputer

The Roadrunner supercomputer at Los Alamos National Laboratory will be decommissioned this week. 

Carnegie Mellon, Nsa Seek High School Hackers
From ACM Careers

Carnegie Mellon, Nsa Seek High School Hackers

Bored with classes? Carnegie Mellon University and one of the government's top spy agencies want to interest high school students in a game of computer hacking.

Cyberwar Manual Lays Down Rules For Online Attacks
From ACM News

Cyberwar Manual Lays Down Rules For Online Attacks

Even cyberwar has rules, and one group of experts is putting out a manual to prove it.

Physicists Say They Have Found a Higgs Boson
From ACM News

Physicists Say They Have Found a Higgs Boson

It helps solve one of the most fundamental riddles of the universe: how the Big Bang created something out of nothing 13.7 billion years ago.

Wireless Connections Creep Into Everyday Things
From ACM News

Wireless Connections Creep Into Everyday Things

A car that tells your insurance company how you're driving. A bathroom scale that lets you chart your weight on the Web. And a meter that warns your air conditioner...

Chinese Hackers Seen as Increasingly Professional
From ACM TechNews

Chinese Hackers Seen as Increasingly Professional

China's government denies involvement in a wave of cyberattacks against international targets, but the hackers appear to be professionals who keep regular work...

Sd College Tests Fingerprint Purchasing Technology
From ACM News

Sd College Tests Fingerprint Purchasing Technology

Futurists have long proclaimed the coming of a cashless society, where dollar bills and plastic cards are replaced by fingerprint and retina scanners smart enough...

Al-Qaida Tipsheet on Avoiding Drones Found in Mali
From ACM News

Al-Qaida Tipsheet on Avoiding Drones Found in Mali

One of the last things the bearded fighters did before leaving this city was to drive to the market where traders lay their carpets out in the sand.

Using 3D Worlds to Visualize Data
From ACM News

Using 3D Worlds to Visualize Data

Take a walk through a human brain? Fly over the surface of Mars?

Future Science: ­sing 3D Worlds to Visualize Data
From ACM TechNews

Future Science: ­sing 3D Worlds to Visualize Data

Researchers are conducting experiments with CAVE2, a virtual world consisting of eight-foot-high screens and 72 stereoscopic LCD panels. 

Pentagon Creates New Medal For Cyber, Drone Wars
From ACM Careers

Pentagon Creates New Medal For Cyber, Drone Wars

They fight the war from computer consoles and video screens.

IBM Sends Watson to Ny College to Boost Its Skills
From ACM TechNews

IBM Sends Watson to Ny College to Boost Its Skills

IBM announced that it will provide Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) with a Watson supercomputing system. IBM says RPI's artificial intelligence researchers...

Will Smart Machines Create a World Without Work?
From ACM News

Will Smart Machines Create a World Without Work?

They seem right out of a Hollywood fantasy, and they are: Cars that drive themselves have appeared in movies like "I, Robot" and the television show "Knight Rider...

North Korean Students Show Google Chief How They Search Web
From ACM News

North Korean Students Show Google Chief How They Search Web

Students at North Korea's premier university have showed Google's executive chairman how they look for information online: they Google it.

Texas Teen Wins $100,000 National Science Prize
From ACM Careers

Texas Teen Wins $100,000 National Science Prize

A high school student from Texas has won a $100,000 scholarship for a developing a computer algorithm that helps robots navigate around obstacles, an algorithm...

Naval Academy to Add Cybersecurity Major
From ACM TechNews

Naval Academy to Add Cybersecurity Major

The U.S. Naval Academy plans to offer an accredited cybersecurity major by 2016, and also wants to build a $100 million cybersecurity facility on campus, says...

Cambridge to Study Technology's Risk to Humans
From ACM TechNews

Cambridge to Study Technology's Risk to Humans

The potential risks that super intelligent technologies pose to humans will be the focus of the proposed Center for the Study of Existential Risk at Cambridge University...

New Lab Working on Security Shoe Sole to ID People
From ACM TechNews

New Lab Working on Security Shoe Sole to ID People

Carnegie Mellon University researchers are developing shoe insoles that can help monitor access to high-security areas. Sensors in the "bio-soles" check the pressure...

Obama Proposes $1b For Science, Math Teachers
From ACM TechNews

Obama Proposes $1b For Science, Math Teachers

The Obama administration has proposed a plan to invest $1 billion in fiscal year 2013 to increase U.S. students' participation in science, technology, engineering...
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