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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectData / Storage And Retrieval
authorAssociated Press

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Defense Secretary Favors Strong Encryption, Not 'back Doors'
From ACM News

Defense Secretary Favors Strong Encryption, Not 'back Doors'

Declaring that strong encryption is essential to the nation's security, Defense Secretary Ash Carter told a tech industry audience Wednesday that he's "not a believer...

Ny Judge: ­S Cannot Make Apple Provide Iphone Data
From ACM News

Ny Judge: ­S Cannot Make Apple Provide Iphone Data

A federal judge ruled Monday that the U.S. Justice Department cannot use a 227-year-old law to force Apple to provide the FBI with access to locked iPhone data,...

Pentagon Starts Aggressive Cyberwar Against Is
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Pentagon Starts Aggressive Cyberwar Against Is

Not long after Defense Secretary Ash Carter prodded his cyber commanders to be more aggressive in the fight against Islamic State, the U.S. ramped up its offensive...

Q&a: A Look at the Apple vs Justice Dept. Court Fight
From ACM News

Q&a: A Look at the Apple vs Justice Dept. Court Fight

A U.S. magistrate judge has ordered Apple to help the FBI break into a work-issued iPhone used by a gunman in the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California.

An Icky New Hero: Roach-Like Robots May Help in Disasters
From ACM News

An Icky New Hero: Roach-Like Robots May Help in Disasters

When buildings collapse in future disasters, the hero helping rescue trapped people may be a robotic cockroach.

Car Infotainment Systems Distract Even with Voice Commands
From ACM News

Car Infotainment Systems Distract Even with Voice Commands

Car infotainment systems that use voice commands may let drivers keep their hands on the wheel, but they're still highly distracting.

Despite Exposure, New Nations Joining Cyberespionage Game
From ACM News

Despite Exposure, New Nations Joining Cyberespionage Game

Researchers say some smaller, poorer nations are now using spy software, suggesting that recent data leaks and lawsuits have not deterred governments from investing...

New Auto Safety Technologies Leave Some Drivers Bewildered
From ACM News

New Auto Safety Technologies Leave Some Drivers Bewildered

Many Americans buying new cars these days are baffled by a torrent of new safety technology.

Hidden Gps Devices to Track Suspects Raise Legal Concerns
From ACM News

Hidden Gps Devices to Track Suspects Raise Legal Concerns

For months, police trying to solve a Long Island robbery spree had little more to go on than grainy surveillance footage of a man in a hoodie and black ski mask...

'next Gen Stats' Offer New Insights For Nfl Fans and Coaches
From ACM News

'next Gen Stats' Offer New Insights For Nfl Fans and Coaches

As Richard Sherman sprints side-by-side with Calvin Johnson, who is running faster?

Facing Islamic State Threat, Iraq Digitizes National Library
From ACM Careers

Facing Islamic State Threat, Iraq Digitizes National Library

The dimly lit, dust-caked stacks of the Baghdad National Library hide a treasure of the ages: crinkled, yellowing papers holding the true stories of sultans and...

Self-Driving Cars Getting Dinged in California
From ACM News

Self-Driving Cars Getting Dinged in California

Four of the nearly 50 self-driving cars now rolling around California have gotten into accidents since September, when the state began issuing permits for companies...

Did Nsa Plant Spyware in Computers Around World?
From ACM News

Did Nsa Plant Spyware in Computers Around World?

Did the National Security Agency plant spyware deep in the hard drives of thousands of computers used by foreign governments, banks and other surveillance targets...

Nyc Subways Slowly ­pgrading from 1930s-Era Technology
From ACM News

Nyc Subways Slowly ­pgrading from 1930s-Era Technology

New York City's subways—the nation's biggest mass transit network—serve more than 6 million daily riders who depend largely on a signal system that dates back to...

Automakers Aim to Drive Away Car Computer Hackers
From ACM News

Automakers Aim to Drive Away Car Computer Hackers

Against the team of hackers, the poor car stood no chance.

How to Teach Self-Driving Cars Ethics of the Road
From ACM News

How to Teach Self-Driving Cars Ethics of the Road

A large truck speeding in the opposite direction suddenly veers into your lane.​

U.s. Agencies Struggle vs. Cyberattacks
From ACM News

U.s. Agencies Struggle vs. Cyberattacks

A $10 billion-a-year effort to protect sensitive government data, from military secrets to Social Security numbers, is struggling to keep pace with an increasing...

Fbi Director Warns Against Cellphone Encryption
From ACM News

Fbi Director Warns Against Cellphone Encryption

FBI Director James Comey warned in stark terms Thursday against the push by technology companies to encrypt smartphone data and operating systems, arguing that...

MIT Finger Device Reads to the Blind in Real Time
From ACM News

MIT Finger Device Reads to the Blind in Real Time

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are developing an audio reading device to be worn on the index finger of people whose vision is impaired...

Panel Endorses Some Nsa Internet Surveillance
From ACM News

Panel Endorses Some Nsa Internet Surveillance

A bipartisan privacy board on Wednesday unanimously adopted its report that endorses some of the National Security Agency's Internet surveillance programs.
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