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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorAssociated Press

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Talking Gloves, Tactile Windows: New Tech Helps the Disabled
From ACM News

Talking Gloves, Tactile Windows: New Tech Helps the Disabled

Hadeel Ayoub slips a black glove onto her hand before beginning the swish of sign language that is meaningless to the untrained observer. Then she pushes a button...

Virtual Learning: ­sing AI, Immersion to Teach Chinese
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Learning: ­sing AI, Immersion to Teach Chinese

A new artificial intelligence system relies on immersive scenes to teach students the Mandarin language.

Google Tracks Your Movements, Like It or Not
From ACM TechNews

Google Tracks Your Movements, Like It or Not

Researchers have confirmed that many Google services on Android devices and iPhones store location data, even if the user selects a setting that purports to prevent...

Robots Are Getting More Social. Are Humans Ready?
From ACM News

Robots Are Getting More Social. Are Humans Ready?

Personal home robots that can socialize with people are starting to roll out of the laboratory and into our living rooms and kitchens. But are humans ready to invite...

Pentagon Restricts ­se of Fitness Trackers, Other Devices
From ACM News

Pentagon Restricts ­se of Fitness Trackers, Other Devices

Military troops and other defense personnel at sensitive bases or certain high-risk warzone areas won't be allowed to use fitness tracker or cellphone applications...

Private Messaging Apps Increasingly ­sed for Public Business
From ACM News

Private Messaging Apps Increasingly ­sed for Public Business

One app promotes itself as a way to discuss sensitive negotiations and human resources problems without leaving a digital record.

I Never Said That! High-Tech Deception of 'Deepfake' Videos
From ACM News

I Never Said That! High-Tech Deception of 'Deepfake' Videos

Hey, did my congressman really say that? Is that really President Donald Trump on that video, or am I being duped?

IBM Pits Computer Against Human Debaters
From ACM TechNews

IBM Pits Computer Against Human Debaters

In its first public demonstration, IBM tested its Project Debater computer system against two human debaters.

Computer Science Programs to Increase in Hawaii Schools
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Programs to Increase in Hawaii Schools

Hawaii's Board of Education is working to boost computer science programs in the state’s schools.

Enigma Machine Collection Recalls Computer Science Victory
From ACM News

Enigma Machine Collection Recalls Computer Science Victory

Carnegie Mellon University will hire a researcher from the Library of Congress to help it decode a collection that includes two WWII German Enigma machines.

Only If It Serves the State: North Korea's Online Experience 
From ACM News

Only If It Serves the State: North Korea's Online Experience 

Ever so cautiously, North Korea is going online.

Fbi Again Finds Itself ­nable to ­nlock a Gunman's Cellphone
From ACM News

Fbi Again Finds Itself ­nable to ­nlock a Gunman's Cellphone

The Texas church massacre is providing a familiar frustration for law enforcement: FBI agents are unable to unlock the gunman's encrypted cellphone to learn what...

In a High-Tech World, Car Designers Still Rely on Clay
From ACM Careers

In a High-Tech World, Car Designers Still Rely on Clay

Car designers have every kind of software and virtual reality tool. But when they want to make sure a car's curves look just right, they rely on one of the world's...

Fear of Robots Taking Jobs Spurs a Bold Idea: Guaranteed Pay
From ACM Careers

Fear of Robots Taking Jobs Spurs a Bold Idea: Guaranteed Pay

Driverless trucks. Factory robots. Delivery drones. Virtual personal assistants.

Face Scans For ­S Citizens Flying Abroad Stir Privacy Issues
From ACM News

Face Scans For ­S Citizens Flying Abroad Stir Privacy Issues

If the Trump administration gets its way, U.S. citizens boarding international flights will have to submit to a face scan, a plan privacy advocates call a step...

What's Holding Back Self-Driving Cars? Human Drivers
From ACM TechNews

What's Holding Back Self-Driving Cars? Human Drivers

The challenge of understanding drivers' behavior and the quirks of local traffic means the use of autonomous vehicles on public roads will be constrained for many...

Election System Susceptible to Rigging Despite Red Flags
From ACM TechNews

Election System Susceptible to Rigging Despite Red Flags

The U.S. election system is fraught with vulnerabilities, including antiquated electronic voting machines that can be hacked without leaving a paper trail.

A Level Playing Field: Lab Adapts Toys For Disabled Children
From ACM TechNews

A Level Playing Field: Lab Adapts Toys For Disabled Children

A University of North Florida program is now in its third year of adapting toys from store shelves for disabled children.

Automated Cars Could Threaten Jobs of Professional Drivers
From ACM News

Automated Cars Could Threaten Jobs of Professional Drivers

Ronald De Feo has watched robots take factory jobs for years. Now he sees them threatening a new class of worker: People who drive for a living.

Mexico Taking ­S Factory Jobs? Blame Robots Instead
From ACM News

Mexico Taking ­S Factory Jobs? Blame Robots Instead

Donald Trump blames Mexico and China for stealing millions of jobs from the United States.
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