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authorAssociated Press

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Al-Qaida Tipsheet on Avoiding Drones Found in Mali
From ACM News

Al-Qaida Tipsheet on Avoiding Drones Found in Mali

One of the last things the bearded fighters did before leaving this city was to drive to the market where traders lay their carpets out in the sand.

Using 3D Worlds to Visualize Data
From ACM News

Using 3D Worlds to Visualize Data

Take a walk through a human brain? Fly over the surface of Mars?

Pentagon Creates New Medal For Cyber, Drone Wars
From ACM Careers

Pentagon Creates New Medal For Cyber, Drone Wars

They fight the war from computer consoles and video screens.

Will Smart Machines Create a World Without Work?
From ACM News

Will Smart Machines Create a World Without Work?

They seem right out of a Hollywood fantasy, and they are: Cars that drive themselves have appeared in movies like "I, Robot" and the television show "Knight Rider...

Texas Teen Wins $100,000 National Science Prize
From ACM Careers

Texas Teen Wins $100,000 National Science Prize

A high school student from Texas has won a $100,000 scholarship for a developing a computer algorithm that helps robots navigate around obstacles, an algorithm...

Google's Futuristic Glasses Move Closer to Reality
From ACM TechNews

Google's Futuristic Glasses Move Closer to Reality

Google recently announced that it is selling a prototype of its Internet-connected glasses, known as Google Glasses, to U.S. computer programmers for $1,500, hoping...

From ACM News

Iran: 'flame' Virus Fight Began with Oil Attack

Computer technicians battling to contain a complex virus last month resorted to the ultimate firewall measures—cutting off Internet links to Iran’s Oil Ministry...

From ACM News

In Cuba, Mystery Shrouds Fate of Internet Cable

It was all sunshine, smiles and celebratory speeches as officials marked the arrival of an undersea fiber-optic cable they promised would end Cuba's Internet isolation...

Google: Technology Is Making Science Fiction Real
From ACM News

Google: Technology Is Making Science Fiction Real

Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt predicted that rapid advances in technology will soon transform science fiction into reality—meaning people will have driverless...

Un Sets Stage For Blazing Fast Mobile Devices
From ACM TechNews

Un Sets Stage For Blazing Fast Mobile Devices

The United Nations has approved new standards for the IMT-advanced system, which should make the next generation of mobile technology 500 times faster than 3G smartphones...

Russian Space Chief Claims Space Failures May Be Sabotage
From ACM News

Russian Space Chief Claims Space Failures May Be Sabotage

Some recent failures of Russian satellites may have been the result of sabotage by foreign forces, Russia's space chief said in comments apparently aimed at the...

Intel's Newest Project: Helping Stephen Hawking Speak
From ACM News

Intel's Newest Project: Helping Stephen Hawking Speak

Intel is looking for ways to help famed British physicist Stephen Hawking reverse the slowing of his speech, according to a senior executive with the American...

Paralyzed Man Uses Brain-Powered Robot Arm to Touch
From ACM News

Paralyzed Man Uses Brain-Powered Robot Arm to Touch

Giving a high-five. Rubbing his girlfriend's hand. Such ordinary acts—but a milestone for a paralyzed man. True, a robotic arm parked next to his wheelchair did...

From ACM News

Airline Pilots Forgetting How to Fly? Computer Controls Blamed

Are airline pilots forgetting how to fly? As planes become ever more reliant on automation to navigate crowded skies, safety officials worry there will be more...

From ACM News

Apple Surpasses Hewlett-Packard as Largest buyer of Chips, iSuppli Says

Mars Landing Sites Narrowed Down to Final 4
From ACM News

Mars Landing Sites Narrowed Down to Final 4

After years of poring through images from space and debating where on Mars the next NASA rover should land, it comes down to four choices.

How Bin Laden Emailed Without Being Detected By U.s.
From ACM News

How Bin Laden Emailed Without Being Detected By U.s.

Using intermediaries and inexpensive computer disks, Osama bin Laden managed to send emails while in hiding, without leaving a digital fingerprint for U.S. eavesdroppers...

From ACM TechNews

Kaspar the Friendly Robot Helps Autistic Kids

University of Hertfordshire scientists are working with a preschool for autistic children to study the impact of robots on the development of students' social skills...

Planet Mercury Visible Before Nasa Craft Orbits It
From ACM News

Planet Mercury Visible Before Nasa Craft Orbits It

Earth is about to get better acquainted with its oddball planetary cousin, Mercury, a rocky wonderland of extremes.

From ACM News

Wireless Advances Could Mean No More Cell Towers

As cell phones have spread, so have large cell towers—those unsightly stalks of steel topped by transmitters and other electronics that sprouted across the country...
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