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authorAssociated Press

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Wireless Advances Could Mean No More Cell Towers

As cell phones have spread, so have large cell towers—those unsightly stalks of steel topped by transmitters and other electronics that sprouted across the country...

From ACM News

Intel's Truce with Nvidia Shows Industry's Shifts

Intel Corp.'s decision to pay Nvidia Corp. $1.5 billion for the right to its patents highlights the seismic shifts the semiconductor industry is undergoing.

Robot's Space Debut 'giant Leap For Tinmankind'
From ACM TechNews

Robot's Space Debut 'giant Leap For Tinmankind'

NASA is sending a humanoid robot, called Robonaut 2, to the International Space Station for the first time. R2 has more than 350 electrical sensors throughout...

From ACM News

India ­nveils Prototype of $35 Tablet Computer

It looks like an iPad, only it's 1/14th the cost: India on Thursday (July 22) unveiled the prototype of a $35 basic touchscreen tablet aimed at students, which...

Stanford Researchers' Audi to Climb Pikes Peak Without a Driver
From ACM News

Stanford Researchers' Audi to Climb Pikes Peak Without a Driver

It can traverse rough terrain, accelerate quickly and negotiate sharp turns like other high-performance sports cars, but there's one thing that sets this Audi coupe...

Computer Mouse Still Rules, Says Expert
From ACM TechNews

Computer Mouse Still Rules, Says Expert

Next-generation interactive devices, such as gestural interaction and brain-computer interfaces, are unlikely to replace the keyboard and mouse anytime soon, says...

From ACM TechNews

Scientists, Lawyers Mull Effects of Home Robots

Scientists and legal scholars are studying the likely effects of the inevitable bond that will form between humans and robots in the coming decade. Although robots...

From ACM TechNews

Future Tech on Show at 36th Siggraph

Mk Haley, a juror for the Emerging Technologies area of SIGGRAPH 2009, says an ear-tugging navigator is the type of exhibit that will get people thinking and talking...

From ACM News

Toyota Develops Technology For Brain Waves to Steer Wheelchair

Toyota Motor Corp. says it has developed a way of steering a wheelchair by just detecting brain waves, without the person having to move a muscle or shout a command...
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