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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Will We Ever… Communicate Telepathically?
From ACM News

Will We Ever… Communicate Telepathically?

In a lab at Harvard Medical School, a man is using his mind to wag a rat's tail.

Electronic Warfare: The Ethereal Future of Battle
From ACM News

Electronic Warfare: The Ethereal Future of Battle

The voice of the foreign military commander is sinister and gloating.

Internet of Things: Trash Talk Signals Mobile Future
From ACM News

Internet of Things: Trash Talk Signals Mobile Future

Wander through the historic streets of the Roman city of Bath in the U.K., and you might sense that they are smarter than average. And you would be right.

Raspberry Pi Heads For the Open Ocean
From ACM News

Raspberry Pi Heads For the Open Ocean

Confronted with that tiny device, some have seen a way to play old arcade games, as a media server or to monitor their sleeping children. There are some that have...

10 Extraordinary Pentagon Mind Experiments
From ACM News

10 Extraordinary Pentagon Mind Experiments

It’s been 30 years since the first message was sent over initial nodes of the Arpanet, the Pentagon-sponsored precursor to the internet. But this month, researchers...

Microsoft ­nveils Self-Sketching Whiteboard Prototype
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft ­nveils Self-Sketching Whiteboard Prototype

Microsoft researchers are developing a whiteboard that can interpret users' sketches to complete the diagrams they are drawing. 

Star Trek 'holodeck' in the Living Room?
From ACM News

Star Trek 'holodeck' in the Living Room?

With "immersive media" taking content well beyond the TV screen, new technology is attempting to move virtual reality towards something even closer to real life...

Web-Based 'brain' For Robots Goes Live
From ACM News

Web-Based 'brain' For Robots Goes Live

Robots confused about what they encounter in the world of humans can now get help online.

Frozen Android Phones Give Up Data Secrets
From ACM TechNews

Frozen Android Phones Give Up Data Secrets

Researchers were able to bypass the encryption system of an Android smartphone by freezing it for an hour. 

Lars Rasmussen: The Brains Behind Facebook's Future
From ACM Opinion

Lars Rasmussen: The Brains Behind Facebook's Future

For a man that made his career out of helping millions of people find their way around, Lars Rasmussen is frank about his own navigational shortcomings.

Diamond Idea For Quantum Computer
From ACM News

Diamond Idea For Quantum Computer

Quantum mechanics isn't what it used to be.

'every New Car' Connected to Web By 2014
From ACM News

'every New Car' Connected to Web By 2014

Five years ago mobile phones were at the forefront of technology, by 2010 the focus was on tablet computers and now billions of yen, dollars and pounds are being...

Will We Ever Simulate the Human Brain?
From ACM News

Will We Ever Simulate the Human Brain?

For years, Henry Markram has claimed that he can simulate the human brain in a computer within a decade. On 23 January 2013, the European Commission told him to...

NASA's 'Crazy' Robot Lab
From ACM Careers

NASA's 'Crazy' Robot Lab

It's three in the afternoon, and in their NASA lab in Silicon Valley, California, two engineers are playing with a toy designed for toddlers.

Smartphone Sensors Reveal Security Secrets
From ACM News

Smartphone Sensors Reveal Security Secrets

Data captured by smartphone sensors could help criminals guess codes used to lock the gadgets, say security researchers.

Behind the Scenes of Latin America's Internet 'brain'
From ACM News

Behind the Scenes of Latin America's Internet 'brain'

It may be one of central Miami's most recognisable buildings, yet only a few people know what goes on inside the sturdy concrete block with massive spheres on its...

Rio De Janeiro Brings Qr Codes to Its Streets
From ACM News

Rio De Janeiro Brings Qr Codes to Its Streets

Rio de Janeiro is adding something new into its trademark black-and-white mosaic pavements: QR codes.

Has Chip and Pin Had Its Day?
From ACM News

Has Chip and Pin Had Its Day?

Go to a cash machine in Japan or Poland and there's a good chance you'll find a finger-sized scanner next to the keypad.

Lens-Less Camera Emerges from Metamaterials Work
From ACM News

Lens-Less Camera Emerges from Metamaterials Work

U.S. scientists have used metamaterials to build the imaging system, which samples infra-red and microwave light.

Graphene: Patent Surge Reveals Global Race
From ACM News

Graphene: Patent Surge Reveals Global Race

Latest figures show a sharp rise in patents filed to claim rights over different aspects of graphene since 2007, with a further spike last year.
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