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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cassini Spacecraft For Saturn Moon Pass
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Cassini Spacecraft For Saturn Moon Pass

The Cassini spacecraft is to make its lowest pass yet over the south pole of Enceladus, an active moon of Saturn which may harbour a liquid water ocean.

The Spanish Link in Cracking the Enigma Code
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The Spanish Link in Cracking the Enigma Code

A pair of rare Enigma machines used in the Spanish Civil War have been given to the head of GCHQ, Britain's communications intelligence agency.

Cebit's Pole-Dancing Droids and Other New Technologies
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Cebit's Pole-Dancing Droids and Other New Technologies

Robots everywhere, driverless cars, new eco-solutions, screens that "read" feelings, and smart museums and stadiums—just some of the "City of the Future" technologies...

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Four Telescope Link-Up Creates World's Largest Mirror

Astronomers have created the world's largest virtual optical telescope linking four telescopes in Chile, so that they operate as a single device.

Self-Steering Bullet Researched By U.s. Weapons Experts
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Self-Steering Bullet Researched By U.s. Weapons Experts

A self-guiding bullet that can steer itself towards its target is being developed for use by the U.S. military.

Hackers Plan Space Satellites to Combat Censorship
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Plan Space Satellites to Combat Censorship

An organization of computer hackers is planning to launch its own communication satellites and bypass satellites controlled by governmental bodies and used to censor...

Self-Healing Electronic Chip Tests May Aid Space Travel
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Self-Healing Electronic Chip Tests May Aid Space Travel

Self-repairing electronic chips are one step closer, according to a team of U.S. researchers, creating a circuit that heals itself when cracked thanks to the...

Driverless Car: Google Awarded ­.s. Patent For Technology
From ACM News

Driverless Car: Google Awarded ­.s. Patent For Technology

The intellectual rights relate to a method to switch a vehicle from a human-controlled mode into the state where it takes charge of the wheel.

How ­seful Is a Captured Drone?
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How ­seful Is a Captured Drone?

An American surveillance drone has been captured and filmed in Iran, where experts are apparently examining it.

Why Are Humans Scared of Robots?
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Why Are Humans Scared of Robots?

"If popular culture has taught us anything, it is that someday mankind must face and destroy the growing robot menace." Author and robotic engineer Daniel H Wilson's...

Intel Shows Off Its Knights Corner One Teraflops Chip
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Intel Shows Off Its Knights Corner One Teraflops Chip

Intel has developed an accelerator chip capable of running at speeds of one teraflops, equal to one trillion calculations per second.

Future Computers Could Rewire Themselves
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Future Computers Could Rewire Themselves

Future microchips may have only one type of component, capable of rewiring itself to do different jobs. Researchers from Northwestern University in the U.S. have...

From ACM News

Robot Wars 'Still a Long Way Off'

"I'll be back" said Arnold Schwarzenegger as cyborg-assassin the Terminator, back from the year 2029 to carry out a murder in 1984. But it seems that, when it...

Ready For the Robot Revolution?
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Ready For the Robot Revolution?

Robots are about to invade our lives. From performing household chores, to entertaining and educating our children, to looking after the elderly, roboticists...

'Talking' Cars Could Reduce Motorway Pile-­ps
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'Talking' Cars Could Reduce Motorway Pile-­ps

Scientists from the University of Bologna in Italy have developed software that lets cars "communicate" with one another on the road.

Graphene Technology Moves Closer
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Graphene Technology Moves Closer

Graphene is a "wonder material" waiting to happen. Since this super-conductive form of carbon, made from single-atom-thick sheets, was first produced in 2004,...

Code-Cracking Machine Returned to Life
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Code-Cracking Machine Returned to Life

The National Museum of Computing has finished restoring a Tunny machine—a key part of Allied code-cracking during World War II.

Is Graphene a Miracle Material?
From ACM News

Is Graphene a Miracle Material?

The material graphene was touted as "the next big thing" even before its pioneers were handed the Nobel Prize last year. Many believe it could spell the end for...

Memristors' Current Carves Protected Channels
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Memristors' Current Carves Protected Channels

A circuit component touted as the "missing link" of electronics is starting to give up the secrets of how it works.

The Man Who Invented the Microprocessor
From ACM News

The Man Who Invented the Microprocessor

Ted Hoff saved his own life, sort of. Deep inside this 73-year-old lies a microprocessor—a tiny computer that controls his pacemaker and, in turn, his heart.
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