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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorBBC News

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Treating Cancer, Stopping Violence . . . How AI Protects US
From ACM News

Treating Cancer, Stopping Violence . . . How AI Protects US

For some, the spread of artificial intelligence and robotics poses a threat to our privacy, our jobs – even our safety, as more and more tasks are handed over to...

The Next Era of Drones Will Be Defined By 'swarms' 
From ACM News

The Next Era of Drones Will Be Defined By 'swarms' 

What do you picture when you think of a drone?

Vector Institute Is Just the Latest in Canada's AI Expansion
From ACM News

Vector Institute Is Just the Latest in Canada's AI Expansion

Canadian researchers have been behind some recent major breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. Now, the country is betting on becoming a big player in one of...

The AI that Learns Our Habits and Knows When People Cheat
From ACM News

The AI that Learns Our Habits and Knows When People Cheat

For people who play the video game Counter Strike online, it's hard enough watching your back at the best of times. In the fast-paced first-person shooter, there...

Google, Facebook, Amazon Join Forces on Future of AI
From ACM News

Google, Facebook, Amazon Join Forces on Future of AI

The world's biggest technology companies are joining forces to consider the future of artificial intelligence.

Can Machines Keep ­S Safe from Cyber-Attack?
From ACM News

Can Machines Keep ­S Safe from Cyber-Attack?

Best known for its part in bringing the internet into being, the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency has more recently brought engineers together to tackle...

How the British and Americans Started Listening In
From ACM News

How the British and Americans Started Listening In

It was late on 8 February 1941 when four Americans arrived at Bletchley Park.

The Computer That Knows What You're Thinking
From ACM News

The Computer That Knows What You're Thinking

We have all done it; put a rictus grin on our faces while inside we are burning with anger.

Why Robot That Gets 'tired and Hormonal' Is a Good Thing
From ACM TechNews

Why Robot That Gets 'tired and Hormonal' Is a Good Thing

Having certain robots operate using the electronic equivalent of an endocrine system could present advantages, according to researchers. 

Cardiff University Develops Virtual Assistant Dubbed Sherlock
From ACM TechNews

Cardiff University Develops Virtual Assistant Dubbed Sherlock

A virtual assistant developed at Cardiff University recently had its first public trial at the BBC's Make It Digital event. 

The Search For a Thinking Machine
From ACM News

The Search For a Thinking Machine

Thanks, in part, to a new era of machine learning, computer are already starting to assimilate information from raw data in the same way as the human infant learns...

The People Hoping to Continue to Exist Through Technology
From ACM News

The People Hoping to Continue to Exist Through Technology

"We have this strange idea that dying is something we need to do."

The Oil-Rich City Betting on Drones
From ACM Careers

The Oil-Rich City Betting on Drones

Over the PA system a voice tells us not to be alarmed. What we are about to see is just a demonstration, courtesy of the United Arab Emirates' Ministry of the Interior...

The People 'possessed' By Computers
From ACM News

The People 'possessed' By Computers

Sophia Ben-Achour looks like a typical London student. She has short, brown hair, dancing eyes and a wide smile.

Falls of the Robots: Disaster Droids Struggle to Stay ­pright
From ACM News

Falls of the Robots: Disaster Droids Struggle to Stay ­pright

It's a scenario straight out of a Hollywood movie.

Disaster Droids Face Off in the DARPA Robotics Challenge
From ACM News

Disaster Droids Face Off in the DARPA Robotics Challenge

Final preparations are being made by 24 robotics teams about to compete for $3.5m (£2.3m) worth of prizes in a Pentagon-backed competition.

Taking the Robot Dog For a Walk
From ACM News

Taking the Robot Dog For a Walk

It's a video which is bound to go viral. Spot sets off down an office corridor, and then out into the open air.

Out of Control AI Will Not Kill ­s, Believes Microsoft Research Chief
From ACM TechNews

Out of Control AI Will Not Kill ­s, Believes Microsoft Research Chief

Microsoft Research chief Eric Horvitz thinks Artificial Intelligence systems eventually could achieve consciousness, but he doubts they could become a threat to...

AI Will Not Kill ­s, Says Microsoft Research Chief
From ACM Opinion

AI Will Not Kill ­s, Says Microsoft Research Chief

Microsoft Research's chief has said he thinks artificial intelligence systems could achieve consciousness, but has played down the threat to human life.

How to Design the Fighter Cockpit of Tomorrow
From ACM News

How to Design the Fighter Cockpit of Tomorrow

If you think your office needs a lick of paint and some new furniture, spare a thought for fighter pilots.
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