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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Who Controls Your Data?
From ACM News

Who Controls Your Data?

The EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will change how companies and individuals collect, store and share data.

How 'Ninja Polymers' Are Fighting Killer Superbugs
From ACM News

How 'Ninja Polymers' Are Fighting Killer Superbugs

In Ridley Scott's seminal blockbuster Blade Runner, humanity has harnessed bio-engineering to create a race of replicants that look, act and sound human—but are...

The (almost) Complete History of 'fake News'
From ACM News

The (almost) Complete History of 'fake News'

In record time, the phrase morphed from a description of a social media phenomenon into a journalistic cliche and an angry political slur.

The Labs that Protect Against Online Warfare
From ACM News

The Labs that Protect Against Online Warfare

Several months after the WannaCry cyber-attack, much of the world still seems to be asleep to the potential catastrophic effects of cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure...

Will Tech Firms Challenge China's 'open' Internet?
From ACM News

Will Tech Firms Challenge China's 'open' Internet?

Sometimes you can gauge how proud someone is about being at an event by the extent to which they want to talk about it.

Treating Cancer, Stopping Violence . . . How AI Protects US
From ACM News

Treating Cancer, Stopping Violence . . . How AI Protects US

For some, the spread of artificial intelligence and robotics poses a threat to our privacy, our jobs – even our safety, as more and more tasks are handed over to...

The Ghostly Radio Station That No One Claims to Run
From ACM Careers

The Ghostly Radio Station That No One Claims to Run

In the middle of a Russian swampland, not far from the city of St Petersburg, is a rectangular iron gate.

Deception Tech Helps to Thwart Hackers' Attacks
From ACM News

Deception Tech Helps to Thwart Hackers' Attacks

In World War II, the Allies employed all kinds of sneaky tricks to deceive their enemies into thinking they had more troops and weapons at their disposal than they...

The Hidden Signs that Can Reveal a Fake Photo
From ACM News

The Hidden Signs that Can Reveal a Fake Photo

Take a look at the photograph below; it's just an ordinary picture of two people outside a building, right? One of them appears to be handing something to the other...

Why Printers Add Secret Tracking Dots
From ACM News

Why Printers Add Secret Tracking Dots

On 3 June, FBI agents arrived at the house of government contractor Reality Leigh Winner in Augusta, Georgia.

How a Cyber Attack Transformed Estonia
From ACM News

How a Cyber Attack Transformed Estonia

Cyber-attacks, information warfare, fake news—exactly 10 years ago Estonia was one of the first countries to come under attack from this modern form of hybrid warfare...

Geeks V Government: The Battle Over Public Key Cryptography
From ACM News

Geeks V Government: The Battle Over Public Key Cryptography

Two graduate students stood silently beside a lectern, listening as their professor presented their work to a conference.

Lies, Propaganda and Fake News: A Challenge For Our Age
From ACM News

Lies, Propaganda and Fake News: A Challenge For Our Age

Who was the first black president of America?

The AI that Learns Our Habits and Knows When People Cheat
From ACM News

The AI that Learns Our Habits and Knows When People Cheat

For people who play the video game Counter Strike online, it's hard enough watching your back at the best of times. In the fast-paced first-person shooter, there...

What Trump Means For Tech
From ACM News

What Trump Means For Tech

Barack Obama's policies on technology were considered pro-innovation, with a view to using technology expertise to improve government systems and services.

Webcams ­sed to Attack Reddit and Twitter Recalled
From ACM News

Webcams ­sed to Attack Reddit and Twitter Recalled

Chinese electronics firm Hangzhou Xiongmai issued the recall soon after its cameras were identified as aiding the massive web attacks.

How the Street Light Has Been Given a Hi-Tech Makeover
From ACM News

How the Street Light Has Been Given a Hi-Tech Makeover

Not only are light bulbs getting sharper and more energy efficient as they are upgraded to LEDs, but they increasingly help fight crime, promote safe cycling and...

­S Ready to 'hand Over' the Internet's Naming System
From ACM News

­S Ready to 'hand Over' the Internet's Naming System

The US has confirmed it is finally ready to cede power of the internet's naming system, ending the almost 20-year process to hand over a crucial part of the internet's...

Where in the World Is My Data and How Secure Is It?
From ACM News

Where in the World Is My Data and How Secure Is It?

When Max Schrems, an Austrian privacy activist, requested to see his personal data that Facebook stored on its servers, he was mailed a CD-ROM containing a 1,222...

Def Con: Do Smart Devices Mean Dumb Security?
From ACM News

Def Con: Do Smart Devices Mean Dumb Security?

More and more people are finding that the devices forming this network of smart stuff can make their lives easier.
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