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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

What Is the 'right to Be Forgotten'?
From ACM News

What Is the 'right to Be Forgotten'?

Sixteen years ago, a Spaniard named Mario Costeja Gonzalez had hit financial difficulties.

The Last Places on Earth Without the Internet
From ACM News

The Last Places on Earth Without the Internet

It can be easy to forget what life was like before the Internet.

Bots Now 'account For 61% of Web Traffic'
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Bots Now 'account For 61% of Web Traffic'

If you are visiting this page the chances are that you are not a human, at least according to research.

The Maps Transforming How We Interact With the World
From ACM News

The Maps Transforming How We Interact With the World

The modern map is no longer an unwieldy printed publication we wrestle with on some blustery peak, but digital, data-rich, and dynamic.

Laser Listening: Could You Eavesdrop on the Guardian?
From ACM News

Laser Listening: Could You Eavesdrop on the Guardian?

The U.K. government has warned the Guardian newspaper that foreign agents could use laser technology to eavesdrop on them, in the wake of recent surveillance leaks...

How Wearable Technology Could Transform Business
From ACM Opinion

How Wearable Technology Could Transform Business

Once upon a time seeing your life flash before your eyes was something people did their best to avoid. The arrival of Google Glass seems to have changed that.

Users of Hidden Net Advised to Ditch Windows
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Users of Hidden Net Advised to Ditch Windows

Legitimate users of the Tor anonymous browsing service are being advised to stop using Windows if they want to keep their identity hidden.

U.S. Spy Chief Clapper Defends PRISM and Phone Surveillance
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U.S. Spy Chief Clapper Defends PRISM and Phone Surveillance

U.S. spy chief James Clapper has strongly defended government surveillance programmes after revelations of phone records being collected and internet servers being...

Why Google and the Pentagon Want 'quantum Computers'
From ACM News

Why Google and the Pentagon Want 'quantum Computers'

Imagine a computer that can teach your mobile phone to recognize any object it sees, or one that can instantly find optimal travel routes for thousands of planes...

Facebook 'likes' Predict Personality
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Facebook 'likes' Predict Personality

Researchers at Cambridge University used algorithms to predict religion, politics, race and sexual orientation.

Rio De Janeiro Brings Qr Codes to Its Streets
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Rio De Janeiro Brings Qr Codes to Its Streets

Rio de Janeiro is adding something new into its trademark black-and-white mosaic pavements: QR codes.

North Korea: On the Net in World's Most Secretive Nation
From ACM News

North Korea: On the Net in World's Most Secretive Nation

There's a curious quirk on every official North Korean Website: a piece of programming that must be included in each page's code.

Can Disguises Fool Surveillance Technology?
From ACM News

Can Disguises Fool Surveillance Technology?

Stick on a fake moustache. Add some glasses. Dye your hair. And perhaps pop on a hat.

The End For Keyboards and Mice?
From ACM News

The End For Keyboards and Mice?

Apple's iPhone and its rivals may have introduced touchscreens to the masses, but now a raft of technologies promise to change the way we interact with computers...

Minitel: The Rise and Fall of the France-Wide Web
From ACM News

Minitel: The Rise and Fall of the France-Wide Web

Many years ago, long before the birth of the Web, there was a time when France was the happening-est place in the digital universe.

Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales on the Internet's Future
From ACM News

Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales on the Internet's Future

Censorship is the biggest threat to the development of the Internet, according to Wikipedia's founder Jimmy Wales.

Will We All Be Tweaking Our Own Genetic Code?
From ACM News

Will We All Be Tweaking Our Own Genetic Code?

You have to wonder what's going on in the DNA of Harvard genetics professor George Church. What extra bit of code does he have that the rest of us don't? If genes...

From ACM News

Academics to 'embrace Wikipedia'

Students and academics at a world-leading London university want to build bridges between the Wikipedia website and formal research.

Web Bug Reveals Browsing History
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Web Bug Reveals Browsing History

Porn sites are among the top users of a browser bug that reveals all the places people go online, finds research.

Tim Berners-Lee Calls For Free Internet Worldwide
From ACM News

Tim Berners-Lee Calls For Free Internet Worldwide

Tim Berners-Lee said that he would like to see everybody given a low-bandwidth connection "by default."
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