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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Webcams ­sed to Attack Reddit and Twitter Recalled
From ACM News

Webcams ­sed to Attack Reddit and Twitter Recalled

Chinese electronics firm Hangzhou Xiongmai issued the recall soon after its cameras were identified as aiding the massive web attacks.

The Amazing Cloud Cities We Could Build on Venus
From ACM News

The Amazing Cloud Cities We Could Build on Venus

It's hot enough to melt lead, the acid rain will scorch the flesh from your bones – and it's the perfect place to raise a family. Venus, not Mars, might be the...

The Surprisingly Easy Way to Visit Mars
From ACM News

The Surprisingly Easy Way to Visit Mars

It's midday on Mars. The scarlet skies are clear and it's a balmy zero degrees—the perfect conditions for a day out.

Cybathlon: Battle of the Bionic Athletes
From ACM News

Cybathlon: Battle of the Bionic Athletes

Bionic arms, robotic legs, powered exoskeletons, brain-controlled computer interfaces and supercharged wheelchairs - all took centre stage to compete at this weekend's...

How the Street Light Has Been Given a Hi-Tech Makeover
From ACM News

How the Street Light Has Been Given a Hi-Tech Makeover

Not only are light bulbs getting sharper and more energy efficient as they are upgraded to LEDs, but they increasingly help fight crime, promote safe cycling and...

Hardware Hack Defeats Iphone Passcode Security
From ACM TechNews

Hardware Hack Defeats Iphone Passcode Security

University of Cambridge professor Sergei Skorobogatov has cloned iPhone memory chips, giving him an unlimited number of attempts to guess the passcode.  

How It Feels to Live in Darkness
From ACM News

How It Feels to Live in Darkness

I know there isn't one dot of light, but I frantically scan the pitch-black area surrounding me out of habit nonetheless.

­S Ready to 'hand Over' the Internet's Naming System
From ACM News

­S Ready to 'hand Over' the Internet's Naming System

The US has confirmed it is finally ready to cede power of the internet's naming system, ending the almost 20-year process to hand over a crucial part of the internet's...

Where in the World Is My Data and How Secure Is It?
From ACM News

Where in the World Is My Data and How Secure Is It?

When Max Schrems, an Austrian privacy activist, requested to see his personal data that Facebook stored on its servers, he was mailed a CD-ROM containing a 1,222...

Def Con: Do Smart Devices Mean Dumb Security?
From ACM News

Def Con: Do Smart Devices Mean Dumb Security?

More and more people are finding that the devices forming this network of smart stuff can make their lives easier.

Can Machines Keep ­S Safe from Cyber-Attack?
From ACM News

Can Machines Keep ­S Safe from Cyber-Attack?

Best known for its part in bringing the internet into being, the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency has more recently brought engineers together to tackle...

Australia Plans New Co-Ordinates to Fix Sat-Nav Gap
From ACM News

Australia Plans New Co-Ordinates to Fix Sat-Nav Gap

Australia is to shift its longitude and latitude to address a gap between local co-ordinates and those from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS).

The Secret History of X-Ray Specs
From ACM News

The Secret History of X-Ray Specs

"I have seen my death!" Anna Bertha Röntgen is said to have exclaimed upon seeing the first X-ray photograph ever made–an image of the bones in her hand. It was...

The Toughest Spaceship We've Ever Built
From ACM News

The Toughest Spaceship We've Ever Built

It's been a long time since anyone tried landing on Venus,

The Things People Googled After Britain Voted to Leave the Eu
From ACM News

The Things People Googled After Britain Voted to Leave the Eu

Google has said there was a dramatic spike in searches for Irish passport applications as news of the UK''s decision to leave the EU broke.

How Will Virtual Reality Change Our Lives?
From ACM Opinion

How Will Virtual Reality Change Our Lives?

And it's not just gamers who are benefiting from the immersive possibilities it offers.

A Few Controversial Numbers May Be Illegal to Share
From ACM News

A Few Controversial Numbers May Be Illegal to Share

Jon Johansen's program worked. The Norwegian teenager watched as it downloaded 200 megabytes of a recently released movie, The Matrix, from a DVD onto his computer...

How a Woman Trapped in Her Body 'spoke' Once Again
From ACM News

How a Woman Trapped in Her Body 'spoke' Once Again

Around six years have now passed since Waltraut Faehnrich last opened and closed her eyes without assistance.

The Detectives Watching You from Space
From ACM News

The Detectives Watching You from Space

Fans of crime writer Raymond Chandler's wise-cracking prose would no doubt be pleased that there's a real-life private detective agency run by two men called Raymond...

Can Technology Help ­S Improve ­pon Reality?
From ACM News

Can Technology Help ­S Improve ­pon Reality?

Imagine walking on Mars and being able to examine rock formations from all angles, or collaborating on the same 3D hologram design with someone thousands of miles...
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