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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

What Would Happen If Aliens Contacted Earth?
From ACM News

What Would Happen If Aliens Contacted Earth?

Nearly 40 years ago, radio astronomer Jerry Ehman was scanning a part of the sky hoping to detect a signal from an alien civilisation.

Ted 2016: Hololens ­nveils 'teleportation' to Mars
From ACM News

Ted 2016: Hololens ­nveils 'teleportation' to Mars

HoloLens creator Alex Kipman has shown off Microsoft's augmented reality technology at the TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference.

How the British and Americans Started Listening In
From ACM News

How the British and Americans Started Listening In

It was late on 8 February 1941 when four Americans arrived at Bletchley Park.

The Tech Giving People Power to Deal with Disability
From ACM News

The Tech Giving People Power to Deal with Disability

In Europe and America, this is one in five people. And since they are less likely to be in work, their poverty rate is about twice as high.

Facewatch 'thief Recognition' Cctv on Trial in ­k Stores
From ACM News

Facewatch 'thief Recognition' Cctv on Trial in ­k Stores

Until now, Facewatch has provided local groups of businesses with a way to share their CCTV images of shoplifters and other potential offenders.

Tiny Chip That Powers Itself From Radio Waves
From ACM TechNews

Tiny Chip That Powers Itself From Radio Waves

Eindhoven University of Technology researchers have developed a tiny sensor powered by the radio waves it uses to communicate information.

'li-Fi 100 Times Faster Than Wi-Fi'
From ACM News

'li-Fi 100 Times Faster Than Wi-Fi'

A new method of delivering data, which uses the visible spectrum rather than radio waves, has been tested in a working office.

The Computer That Knows What You're Thinking
From ACM News

The Computer That Knows What You're Thinking

We have all done it; put a rictus grin on our faces while inside we are burning with anger.

America's Crypto Battles
From ACM Opinion

America's Crypto Battles

John Miller reckons he can get into pretty much any safe.

European Parliament Votes Against Net Neutrality Amendments
From ACM News

European Parliament Votes Against Net Neutrality Amendments

The European Parliament has voted against a set of rules intended to safeguard "net neutrality" in the EU.

Why Robot That Gets 'tired and Hormonal' Is a Good Thing
From ACM TechNews

Why Robot That Gets 'tired and Hormonal' Is a Good Thing

Having certain robots operate using the electronic equivalent of an endocrine system could present advantages, according to researchers. 

The Search For a Thinking Machine
From ACM News

The Search For a Thinking Machine

Thanks, in part, to a new era of machine learning, computer are already starting to assimilate information from raw data in the same way as the human infant learns...

The People Hoping to Continue to Exist Through Technology
From ACM News

The People Hoping to Continue to Exist Through Technology

"We have this strange idea that dying is something we need to do."

The Oil-Rich City Betting on Drones
From ACM Careers

The Oil-Rich City Betting on Drones

Over the PA system a voice tells us not to be alarmed. What we are about to see is just a demonstration, courtesy of the United Arab Emirates' Ministry of the Interior...

Web's Random Numbers Are Too Weak, Researchers Warn
From ACM News

Web's Random Numbers Are Too Weak, Researchers Warn

A study found shortcomings in the generation of the random numbers used to scramble or encrypt data.

Facial Recognition Tool 'works in Darkness'
From ACM News

Facial Recognition Tool 'works in Darkness'

Two scientists at a German university have developed a tool which recognises a person's face in complete darkness.

The Hidden Lab Where Bankcards Are Hacked
From ACM Careers

The Hidden Lab Where Bankcards Are Hacked

It couldn't get any more steampunk if it tried: a wooden robot hisses like an airbrake as a blast of compressed air shoves its arm sideways, sending a credit card...

The People 'possessed' By Computers
From ACM News

The People 'possessed' By Computers

Sophia Ben-Achour looks like a typical London student. She has short, brown hair, dancing eyes and a wide smile.

The Secret Codes of British Banknotes
From ACM News

The Secret Codes of British Banknotes

A brand-new Xerox colour photocopier had just arrived at one of Cambridge's industrial labs.

Building the Face of a Criminal from Dna
From ACM News

Building the Face of a Criminal from Dna

The face of a killer constructed from DNA left at the scene of a crime: it sounds like science fiction. But revealing the face of a criminal based on their genes...
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