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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Researchers ­se Spoofing to 'hack' Into a Flying Drone
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Researchers ­se Spoofing to 'hack' Into a Flying Drone

American researchers took control of a flying drone by hacking into its GPS system—acting on a $1,000 (£640) dare from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Blade Runner: Which Predictions Have Come True?
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Blade Runner: Which Predictions Have Come True?

Based on Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K Dick, Ridley Scott's Blade Runner—the tale of a hunt for four dangerous "replicant" humans—is a classic...

Flame Malware Makers Send 'suicide' Code
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Flame Malware Makers Send 'suicide' Code

The creators of the Flame malware have sent a "suicide" command that removes it from some infected computers.

Iran 'finds Fix' For Sophisticated Flame Malware
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Iran 'finds Fix' For Sophisticated Flame Malware

Iran says it has developed tools that can defend against the sophisticated cyber attack tool known as Flame.

London 2012: The Importance of Olympic Timekeeping
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London 2012: The Importance of Olympic Timekeeping

Olympic timekeepers Omega are unveiling the latest technology that will be used at the London 2012 Games. It can monitor athletes' performance to the nearest one...

Web War Ii: What a Future Cyberwar Will Look Like
From ACM News

Web War Ii: What a Future Cyberwar Will Look Like

How might the blitzkrieg of the future arrive? By air strike? An invading army? In a terrorist's suitcase? In fact it could be coming down the line to a computer...

The World's Five Biggest Cyber Threats
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The World's Five Biggest Cyber Threats

Criminals do not stop at stealing someone's personal data.

Will We Ever Create a Perfect Lie Detector?
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Will We Ever Create a Perfect Lie Detector?

To create machines that can always tell when someone is lying, we need to know much more about what goes on in our brains.

How Hackers Are Caught Out By Law Enforcers
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How Hackers Are Caught Out By Law Enforcers

The Internet has gained a reputation as somewhere you can say and do anything with impunity, primarily because it is easy to disguise your identity.

Social Apps 'harvest Smartphone Contacts'
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Social Apps 'harvest Smartphone Contacts'

Twitter has admitted copying entire address books from smartphones and storing the data on its servers, often without customers' knowledge.

Hackers Outwit Online Banking Identity Security Systems
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Hackers Outwit Online Banking Identity Security Systems

After logging in to the bank's real site, account holders are being tricked by the offer of training in a new "upgraded security system."

Self-Steering Bullet Researched By U.s. Weapons Experts
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Self-Steering Bullet Researched By U.s. Weapons Experts

A self-guiding bullet that can steer itself towards its target is being developed for use by the U.S. military.

From ACM News

Fbi Plans Social Network Map Alert Mash-­p Application

The FBI is seeking to develop an early-warning system based on material "scraped" from social networks.

From ACM News

Sopa: Sites Go Dark As Part of Anti-Piracy Law Protests

Thousands of Internet sites are taking part in a "blackout" protest against anti-piracy laws being discussed by U.S. lawmakers.

Driverless Car: Google Awarded ­.s. Patent For Technology
From ACM News

Driverless Car: Google Awarded ­.s. Patent For Technology

The intellectual rights relate to a method to switch a vehicle from a human-controlled mode into the state where it takes charge of the wheel.

How ­seful Is a Captured Drone?
From ACM News

How ­seful Is a Captured Drone?

An American surveillance drone has been captured and filmed in Iran, where experts are apparently examining it.

Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales on the Internet's Future
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Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales on the Internet's Future

Censorship is the biggest threat to the development of the Internet, according to Wikipedia's founder Jimmy Wales.

From ACM News

Robot Wars 'Still a Long Way Off'

"I'll be back" said Arnold Schwarzenegger as cyborg-assassin the Terminator, back from the year 2029 to carry out a murder in 1984. But it seems that, when it...

New Emotion Detector Sees When We're Lying
From ACM News

New Emotion Detector Sees When We're Lying

A sophisticated new camera system can detect lies just by watching our faces as we talk, experts say. The computerized system uses a simple video camera, a high...

'smart' Cctv Could Track Rioters
From ACM News

'smart' Cctv Could Track Rioters

Researchers at Kingston University have created a system that uses artificial intelligence to recognise specific types of behaviour, such as someone holding a...
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