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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Camouflage: Can We Ever Create True Invisibility?
From ACM News

Camouflage: Can We Ever Create True Invisibility?

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we humans have been doing our best to compliment other animals for centuries.

The Defenders of Anonymity on the Internet
From ACM Opinion

The Defenders of Anonymity on the Internet

You may not realise it, but every time you open up your laptop or switch on your phone, you are at the heart of one of the greatest battles now taking place in...

Robotic Brain 'learns' Skills from the Internet
From ACM News

Robotic Brain 'learns' Skills from the Internet

Robo Brain is designed to acquire a vast range of skills and knowledge from publicly available information sources such as YouTube.

Robotics: How Machines See the World
From ACM News

Robotics: How Machines See the World

Can you tell the difference between a human and a soda can?

Galileo: What Does a More Accurate Sat-Nav System Mean?
From ACM News

Galileo: What Does a More Accurate Sat-Nav System Mean?

With the planned launch of two satellites aboard a Soyuz rocket from French Guiana later this month, Europe is pushing ahead with its own satellite-navigation system...

Tor Project's Struggle to Keep the Dark Net in the Shadows
From ACM Opinion

Tor Project's Struggle to Keep the Dark Net in the Shadows

The BBC has interviewed Andrew Lewman, executive director of the Tor Project.

Do quantum computers threaten global encryption systems?
From ACM News

Do quantum computers threaten global encryption systems?

The modern world is a house of cards built upon encryption.

The Best 'low-Tech' Spycraft Tricks
From ACM News

The Best 'low-Tech' Spycraft Tricks

In the wake of Edward Snowden's revelations about the US National Security Agency’s activities around the globe, authorities in Russia and Germany declared they...

Do Quantum Computers Threaten Global Encryption Systems?
From ACM News

Do Quantum Computers Threaten Global Encryption Systems?

Make a mobile phone call and encryption is there to stop eavesdroppers listening in.

Augmented Reality Gives Physical World a Vrtual Dimension
From ACM News

Augmented Reality Gives Physical World a Vrtual Dimension

For some it seems, the world is not enough.

Robot 'learns to Keep Going With Broken Leg'
From ACM TechNews

Robot 'learns to Keep Going With Broken Leg'

Scientists used a methodology modeled on the behaviors of injured animals to help a six-legged robot relearn how to walk once one or more of its legs were damaged...

Robot 'learns to Keep Going with Broken Leg'
From ACM News

Robot 'learns to Keep Going with Broken Leg'

Engineers have taken a step towards having machines that can operate when damaged by developing a robot that can teach itself to walk, even with a broken leg.

Cheering Robots Replace Real Fans at Korean Baseball
From ACM TechNews

Cheering Robots Replace Real Fans at Korean Baseball

The Hanwha Eagles Korean baseball team has equipped its stadium with robots that fans who are unable to attend the games can control over the Internet. 

Russia Offers $110,000 to Crack Tor Anonymous Network
From ACM News

Russia Offers $110,000 to Crack Tor Anonymous Network

Russia has offered 3.9m roubles ($110,000; £65,000) in a contest seeking a way to crack the identities of users of the Tor network.

Harold Edgerton: The Man Who Froze Time
From ACM News

Harold Edgerton: The Man Who Froze Time

Every time you use the flash on your smartphone or camera, you should give silent praise to Harold Eugene Edgerton.

Neuroscience: 'i Can Read Your Mind'
From ACM News

Neuroscience: 'i Can Read Your Mind'

Jack Gallant can read your mind. Or at least, he can figure out what you're seeing if you're in his machine watching a movie he's playing for you.

Will Workplace Robots Cost More Jobs Than They Create?
From ACM Careers

Will Workplace Robots Cost More Jobs Than They Create?

The UK unveiled its robotics strategy last Tuesday, revealing a plan drawn up by the Technology Strategy Board that aims to spur the country on towards capturing...

Rediscovered Plans Aid Edsac Reconstruction
From ACM TechNews

Rediscovered Plans Aid Edsac Reconstruction

The National Museum of Computing's reconstruction of an early British digital computer will benefit from the resurfacing of circuit diagrams of the machine. 

E-Voting Experiments End in Norway Amid Security Fears
From ACM News

E-Voting Experiments End in Norway Amid Security Fears

Norway is ending trials of e-voting systems used in national and local elections.

Mind-Control: 'i Drove a Car with My Thoughts'
From ACM News

Mind-Control: 'i Drove a Car with My Thoughts'

Henrik Matzke is in the driving seat of a car, poised to make a very unusual manoeuvre.
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