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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Helmet Camera Technology Enables Live Front-Line Video

Helmet-mounted cameras mean live video can be sent direct from the front line back to headquarters. This technology enabled military and intelligence chiefs to...

Spiders and Crabs Inspire Robot Locomotion
From ACM News

Spiders and Crabs Inspire Robot Locomotion

The walking patterns of crabs, lobsters and spiders are helping to inspire new ways of getting robots to move around.

Quantum Computing Device Hints at Powerful Future
From ACM News

Quantum Computing Device Hints at Powerful Future

One of the most complex efforts toward a quantum computer has been shown off at the American Physical Society meeting in Dallas in the U.S. It uses the strange...

Earth Project Aims to 'simulate Everything'
From ACM News

Earth Project Aims to 'simulate Everything'

An international group of scientists are aiming to create a simulator that can replicate everything happening on Earth—from global weather patterns and the spread...

Supercomputers 'will Fit in a Sugar Cube,' Ibm Says
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputers 'will Fit in a Sugar Cube,' Ibm Says

IBM researchers led by Bruno Michel have developed a water-cooling method for creating supercomputer processors that could shrink them to the size of a sugar cube...

Why Is a Universal Translator So Elusive?
From ACM News

Why Is a Universal Translator So Elusive?

With a global economy and flights that can take you all over the world in hours, why is it that we still struggle with a language barrier that technology is finding...

Implanted Chip 'allows Blind People to Detect Objects'
From ACM News

Implanted Chip 'allows Blind People to Detect Objects'

A man with an inherited form of blindness has been able to identify letters and a clock face using a pioneering implant, researchers say.

German Radar Satellites Fly Tight Space Waltz
From ACM News

German Radar Satellites Fly Tight Space Waltz

It is a remarkable acrobatic display. Two German radar satellites are now flying in tight formation as they prepare to make the most detailed ever 3D map of the...

From ACM News

Mobile Chips Battle For Processing Power

Inside your smartphone, a battle is raging. As tiny chips with big ambitions fight for processing power, is there anything the phones of the future will not be...

From ACM News

Intel and Arm to Battle For the Hearts of Smartphones

Intel is aiming for a slice of the smartphone market with a new chip with built-in graphics.

 ­.S. Military to Attack Moore's Law for Future Computers
From ACM News

­.S. Military to Attack Moore's Law for Future Computers

Computers that can perform a quintillion calculations per second are being planned by the U.S. military.

Mistakes in Silicon Chips to Help Boost Computer Power
From ACM News

Mistakes in Silicon Chips to Help Boost Computer Power

Silicon chips that are allowed to make mistakes could help ensure computers continue to get more powerful, say US researchers.

Seven Atom Transistor Sets the Pace For Future Pcs
From ACM TechNews

Seven Atom Transistor Sets the Pace For Future Pcs

A working transistor that contains only seven atoms has been built by a team in Australia. The researchers, led by University of New South Wales professor Michelle...

Glonass: Has Russia's Sat-Nav System Come of Age?
From ACM News

Glonass: Has Russia's Sat-Nav System Come of Age?

With the Glonass satellite-navigation constellation nearly complete, Russia's plan to wean itself off the US Global Positioning System (GPS) appears to be coming...

China Joins Supercomputer Elite
From ACM News

China Joins Supercomputer Elite

China has become one of a handful of nations to own one of the top five supercomputers in the world. Its Tianhe-1 computer, housed at the National Super Computer...

Digital Cloud Plan For City Skies
From ACM News

Digital Cloud Plan For City Skies

A giant "digital cloud" that would "float" above London's skyline has been outlined by an international team of architects, artists and engineers. The construction...

China Plans For Humanoid Olympics
From ACM TechNews

China Plans For Humanoid Olympics

China has announced plans to hold a robot Olympics in 2010, in which humanoid robots will compete in 16 different events ranging from athletics to machine-related...

From ACM TechNews

Smart Sensors Power Interaction

More than 70 demonstrations of interactive technologies that use sensors for a wide range of applications were showcased at the Human Computer Interaction conference's...

Quantum Computer Slips Onto Chips
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computer Slips Onto Chips

A silicon chip about the size of a penny that uses photons to run Shor's algorithm has been developed by a team of researchers at the University of Bristol in the...

Brighter Idea For Bendable Displays
From ACM TechNews

Brighter Idea For Bendable Displays

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign professor John Rogers has led the development of a new technique for manufacturing tiny inorganic light-emitting diodes...
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