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subjectHuman Computer Interaction

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

AI vs. the Hackers
From ACM TechNews

AI vs. the Hackers

Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and various startups increasingly are implementing machine learning algorithms that adapt to hackers' constantly evolving tactics.

Kroger, Microsoft Create Futuristic Grocery Store
From ACM TechNews

Kroger, Microsoft Create Futuristic Grocery Store

Microsoft and the Kroger supermarket chain are collaborating on online grocery shopping.

Robots Aren't Yet Killing Off All Our Jobs, World Bank Says
From ACM TechNews

Robots Aren't Yet Killing Off All Our Jobs, World Bank Says

The growth of automation so far has had a negligible impact on jobs at a global level, according to the World Bank's chief economist.

Toyota Wants to Put a Robot Friend in Every Home
From ACM TechNews

Toyota Wants to Put a Robot Friend in Every Home

Toyota envisions robots becoming commonplace in homes as companions to senior citizens.

Meet 'Millie' the Avatar. She'd Like to Sell You a Pair of Sunglasses
From ACM TechNews

Meet 'Millie' the Avatar. She'd Like to Sell You a Pair of Sunglasses

A Canadian startup has created a life-size digital avatar to help retail brands looking for ways to boost falling in-store sales in the face of growing competition...

Beijing to Judge Every Resident Based on Behavior by End of 2020
From ACM News

Beijing to Judge Every Resident Based on Behavior by End of 2020

China's plan to judge each of its 1.3 billion people based on their social behavior is moving a step closer to reality, with Beijing set to adopt a lifelong points...

This Company Is Helping Build China's Panopticon. It Won't Stop There 
From ACM Careers

This Company Is Helping Build China's Panopticon. It Won't Stop There 

The lobby of SenseTime's Beijing office makes you feel a bit like you've stumbled into a Philip K. Dick novel.

Inside Nike's Store of the Future
From ACM TechNews

Inside Nike's Store of the Future

Nike new flagship store in New York City is focused on personalized, experiential shopping, allowing shoppers with the Nike app to check out items via phone, request...

Puerto Rico Is Fighting Zika With Cloud Technology
From ACM TechNews

Puerto Rico Is Fighting Zika With Cloud Technology

A project to track Zika-carrying mosquitoes across Puerto Rico is developing solutions that could help other parts of the world cope with mosquito-borne diseases...

To Get Ready for Robot Driving, Some Want to Reprogram Pedestrians
From ACM News

To Get Ready for Robot Driving, Some Want to Reprogram Pedestrians

You're crossing the street wrong.

Big Tech is Throwing Money and Talent at Home Robots
From ACM Careers

Big Tech is Throwing Money and Talent at Home Robots

Science fiction writers and technologists have been predicting the arrival of robot butlers for the better part of a century. So far domestic robots have been relatively...

If You're A Facebook ­ser, You're Also a Research Subject
From ACM News

If You're A Facebook ­ser, You're Also a Research Subject

The professor was incredulous.

AI Made These Paintings
From ACM News

AI Made These Paintings

In Bloomberg Businessweek's annual Sooner Than You Think issue, artificial intelligence is also driving cars, making money, exploring oceans … and freaking people...

Apple and Its Rivals Bet Their Futures on These Men's Dreams
From ACM News

Apple and Its Rivals Bet Their Futures on These Men's Dreams

Over the past five years, artificial intelligence has gone from perennial vaporware to one of the technology industry's brightest hopes.

The Car of the Future Will Sell Your Data
From ACM News

The Car of the Future Will Sell Your Data

Picture this: You're driving home from work, contemplating what to make for dinner, and as you idle at a red light near your neighborhood pizzeria, an ad offering...

How Facebook's Political ­nit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda
From ACM News

How Facebook's Political ­nit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda

Under fire for Facebook Inc.'s role as a platform for political propaganda, co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has punched back, saying his mission is above partisanship...

How AI Will Invade Every Corner of Wall Street
From ACM News

How AI Will Invade Every Corner of Wall Street

It was AI versus Warren Buffett.

Father of the Web Confronts His Creation in the Era of Fake News
From ACM TechNews

Father of the Web Confronts His Creation in the Era of Fake News

World Wide Web Consortium founder (and 2016 A.M. Turing Award recipient) Sir Tim Berners-Lee discusses how his perspective of the Web has changed since its inception...

This Company's Robots Are Making Everything, and Reshaping the World
From ACM Careers

This Company's Robots Are Making Everything, and Reshaping the World

The headquarters of Fanuc sit in the shadow of Mt. Fuji, on a sprawling, secluded campus of 22 windowless factories and dozens of office buildings.

Twitter Is Crawling With Bots and Lacks Incentive to Expel Them
From ACM News

Twitter Is Crawling With Bots and Lacks Incentive to Expel Them

On Wednesday, the exterior of Twitter's San Francisco headquarters bore an eerie message: "Ban Russian Bots." Someone—the company doesn't know who—projected the...
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