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subjectHuman Computer Interaction

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

'mind-Boggling' Math Could Make Blockchain Work For Wall Street
From ACM Careers

'mind-Boggling' Math Could Make Blockchain Work For Wall Street

A major breakthrough in cryptography may have solved one of the biggest obstacles to using blockchain technology on Wall Street: keeping transaction data private...

IBM Makes Breakthrough in Race to Commercialize Quantum Computers
From ACM TechNews

IBM Makes Breakthrough in Race to Commercialize Quantum Computers

Recent experiments utilized a method that could enable quantum computers to perform  calculations beyond the capabilities of today's most powerful supercomputers...

Brain-Computer Interfaces Are Already Here
From ACM TechNews

Brain-Computer Interfaces Are Already Here

A growing number of organizations are attempting to make thought-controlled sense, control, communication, and action a reality by developing brain-computer interfaces...

Mark Sagar Made a Baby in His Lab. Now It Plays the Piano
From ACM Opinion

Mark Sagar Made a Baby in His Lab. Now It Plays the Piano

People get up to weird things in New Zealand.

These Robots Are ­sing Static Electricity to Make Nikes
From ACM Careers

These Robots Are ­sing Static Electricity to Make Nikes

The most labor intensive part of putting together a pair of Nikes is assembling the "upper"—the flexible part of the shoe that sits on top of your foot.

China's Plan For World Domination in AI Isn't So Crazy After All
From ACM Careers

China's Plan For World Domination in AI Isn't So Crazy After All

Xu Li's software scans more faces than maybe any on earth. He has the Chinese police to thank.

Bangalore Taps Tech Crowdsourcing to Fix 'unruly' Gridlock
From ACM TechNews

Bangalore Taps Tech Crowdsourcing to Fix 'unruly' Gridlock

India's Gridlock Hackathon aims to find solutions to the congested roads that cost the economy billions of dollars.

Embattled German Industrials Pursue the Factory of the Future
From ACM News

Embattled German Industrials Pursue the Factory of the Future

The clanking, hulking factory in a rural patch of northwest Germany that produces 22-ton combine harvesters has lately been turning out machines with a technical...

Inside China's Plans For World Robot Domination
From ACM Careers

Inside China's Plans For World Robot Domination

Scenes from China's quest to dominate the robotic future: At startup E-Deodar, a human-looking droid serves coffee to employees who are building $15,000 industrial...

Don't Worry, Driverless Cars Are Learning From Grand Theft Auto
From ACM News

Don't Worry, Driverless Cars Are Learning From Grand Theft Auto

In the race to the autonomous revolution, developers have realized there aren't enough hours in a day to clock the real-world miles needed to teach cars how to...

Inside the 20-Year Quest to Build Computers That Play Poker
From ACM News

Inside the 20-Year Quest to Build Computers That Play Poker

Recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence research raise questions about the threat that bots pose to the online gambling industry.

Inside the 20-Year Quest to Build Computers That Play Poker
From ACM News

Inside the 20-Year Quest to Build Computers That Play Poker

Four of the best professional poker players in the world spent most of January holed up at the Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh, losing.

Google Deepmind Makes AI Training Platform Publicly Available
From ACM TechNews

Google Deepmind Makes AI Training Platform Publicly Available

Alphabet's Google DeepMind is making its game platform available to the general public on GitHub. DeepMind is open sourcing the entire source code for its training...

The Search For Virtual Reality's Killer App
From ACM Careers

The Search For Virtual Reality's Killer App

Sony Corp.'s release of the PlayStation VR on Thursday brings virtual reality to the cusp of mainstream adoption.

The Computer Voting Revolution Is Already Crappy, Buggy, and Obsolete
From ACM News

The Computer Voting Revolution Is Already Crappy, Buggy, and Obsolete

Six days after Memphis voters went to the polls last October to elect a mayor and other city officials, a local computer programmer named Bennie Smith sat on his...

Nasa's Next-Gen Ships Run on Last-Gen Chips
From ACM News

Nasa's Next-Gen Ships Run on Last-Gen Chips

Earlier this summer, NASA announced that ARM Holdings' A53 will be the microprocessor core design at the heart of the agency's next generation of spacecraft.

The Man Who Created Leappad Wants To Turn Your Eyes Into a Mouse
From ACM Careers

The Man Who Created Leappad Wants To Turn Your Eyes Into a Mouse

First came the computer mouse. Then the touchscreen.

Thanks to This Man, Airplanes Don’t Crash Into Mountains Anymore
From ACM Careers

Thanks to This Man, Airplanes Don’t Crash Into Mountains Anymore

Giant flocks of black birds circled the wreckage of an airliner that had struck an Alaska mountain two weeks earlier, killing all 111 aboard.

Google's Driverless-Car Czar on Taking the Human Out of the Equation
From ACM Opinion

Google's Driverless-Car Czar on Taking the Human Out of the Equation

You devoted your life to human-driven transportation, engineering SUVs at Ford and taking Hyundai (as U.S. CEO and president) to record levels of sales in the U...

Facebook's Really Big Plans For Virtual Reality
From ACM News

Facebook's Really Big Plans For Virtual Reality

The office building on Facebook Way is in the unfinished style that honors materials like plywood, concrete, and steel.
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