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authorBloomberg Businessweek

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Spies Like ­s: How We All Helped Build Prism
From ACM Careers

Spies Like ­s: How We All Helped Build Prism

It used to be that the National Security Agency and its ilk had to pay through the nose for the latest in spying technology.

Drone Nation: A New Industry Takes Flight
From ACM Careers

Drone Nation: A New Industry Takes Flight

By 2025 the drone industry will employ 100,000 people and be worth $82 billion globally, according to the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International...

Inside Google's Secret Lab
From ACM Careers

Inside Google's Secret Lab

Last February, Astro Teller, the director of Google's secretive research lab, Google X, went to seek approval from Chief Executive Officer Larry Page for an unlikely...

A Hack-Proof Internet Exists, Thanks to Quantum Physics
From ACM News

A Hack-Proof Internet Exists, Thanks to Quantum Physics

Leave it to the quantum physicists at Los Alamos National Labs to have run for the past two years something that sounded like science fiction: a quantum Internet...

Netflix, Reed Hastings Survive Missteps to Join Silicon Valley's Elite
From ACM Careers

Netflix, Reed Hastings Survive Missteps to Join Silicon Valley's Elite

On a normal weeknight, Netflix accounts for almost a third of all Internet traffic entering North American homes. That's more than YouTube, Hulu,, HBO...

Bitcoin May Be the Global Economy's Last Safe Haven
From ACM News

Bitcoin May Be the Global Economy's Last Safe Haven

One of the oddest bits of news to emerge from the economic collapse of Cyprus is a corresponding rise in the value of Bitcoin, the Internet’s favorite, media-friendly...

Revealed: The 1962 CIA Paper That Predicts the Big Deal With Big Data
From ACM News

Revealed: The 1962 CIA Paper That Predicts the Big Deal With Big Data

The Central Intelligence Agency has published for the first time "Some Far-Out Thoughts on Computers," a 1962 internal document that shows how eager the agency...

Israel Ramps ­p Its Cyberdefense Training
From ACM Careers

Israel Ramps ­p Its Cyberdefense Training

Twice a week about 200 Israeli high school students in seven separate locations meet after school for six hours of extra classes.

Skype's Been Hijacked in China, and Microsoft Is O.k. With It
From ACM News

Skype's Been Hijacked in China, and Microsoft Is O.k. With It

Jeffrey Knockel is an unlikely candidate to expose the inner workings of Skype's role in China’s online surveillance apparatus.

Computer Interfaces: Tech's Next Great Frontier
From ACM Opinion

Computer Interfaces: Tech's Next Great Frontier

Consider the tongue. It's sensitive yet muscular, packed with taste buds and nerves, and without its acrobatic ability humans wouldn’t be able to eat or talk. It's...

Can China Prevent Web Pseudonyms? Probably Not
From ACM News

Can China Prevent Web Pseudonyms? Probably Not

Chinese Internet cops are at it again.

Behind the Iron Dome: How Israel Stops Missiles
From ACM News

Behind the Iron Dome: How Israel Stops Missiles

The success of Israel's Iron Dome in shooting down missiles fired from Gaza has a lot to do with a company you've probably never heard of: MPrest Systems.

The Hackers of Damascus
From ACM News

The Hackers of Damascus

Taymour Karim didn't crack under interrogation.

Cyberwars Reach a New Frontier: The Airport
From ACM News

Cyberwars Reach a New Frontier: The Airport

It sounds like an air traveler's nightmare: a sophisticated software attack that allows hackers to access internal airport computer systems and manipulate data...

Why Apple Will Turn to Holograms
From ACM News

Why Apple Will Turn to Holograms

Look around your office hallway or college campus and you'll see people holding interactive panes of glass.

An App That Helps You Cozy ­p to Strangers
From ACM News

An App That Helps You Cozy ­p to Strangers

Paul Davison is in a hurry. Not just to board the plane that's about to take him to his father's retirement party in San Diego, or to get through the talking points...

From ACM News

Spies Fail to Escape Spyware in $5 Billion Bazaar For Cyber Arms

The intelligence operative sits in a leather club chair, laptop open, one floor below the Hilton Kuala Lumpur’s convention rooms, scanning the airwaves for spies...

From ACM News

Spam Works

Every day three-quarters of all e-mail that flies across the Internet is spam. Some of it tricks customers into installing a virus or forking over personal information...

Palantir, the War on Terror's Secret Weapon
From ACM News

Palantir, the War on Terror's Secret Weapon

A Silicon Valley startup that collates threats has quietly become indispensable to the U.S. intelligence community.

Cyber Weapons: The New Arms Race
From ACM TechNews

Cyber Weapons: The New Arms Race

A rash of cyberattacks has raised the profile of such incursions and led to a booming cyberweapons industry. 
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