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subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorBloomberg Businessweek

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Behold the Cheetah Robot. The Singularity Is Nigh!
From ACM News

Behold the Cheetah Robot. The Singularity Is Nigh!

Big defense budgets during the aughts financed the deployment of thousands of robots, including unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles, to Iraq and Afghanistan...

Commercial Drones: A Dogfight at the Faa
From ACM News

Commercial Drones: A Dogfight at the Faa

Last fall, Russ Freeman's successful business shooting commercial aerial photos and video flew straight into a political battle over control of the nation's skies...

Flight of the Warbots
From ACM Careers

Flight of the Warbots

How a save-the-earth maker of solar-powered aircraft became the world's most prolific manufacturer of military drones.
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