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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

At World Cup, Goal-Line Tech Causes Controversy
From ACM News

At World Cup, Goal-Line Tech Causes Controversy

As all things that are meant to be infallible, new technology being used in the 2014 World Cup has caused a stir.

Virtual Soccer Now a World Cup Fan's Best Prediction Tool
From ACM News

Virtual Soccer Now a World Cup Fan's Best Prediction Tool

Thursday marks the kickoff of the 2014 World Cup, signaling the start of a global guessing game about which two teams will appear in the finals of the 64-match...

360-Degree Camera Shoots Vr Movies For Oculus Rift
From ACM News

360-Degree Camera Shoots Vr Movies For Oculus Rift

Step into the silver screen with movies shot using the Panopticam.

Steve Matteson: Fonts in the Time of Wearables
From ACM Opinion

Steve Matteson: Fonts in the Time of Wearables

As gadgets get smaller, and mobile manufacturers find new ways to shrink their devices to fit on a user's wrist, people like Steve Matteson are focused on keeping...

Open Enigma Project Makes Encryption Machines Accessible
From ACM News

Open Enigma Project Makes Encryption Machines Accessible

Enigma machines have captivated everyone from legendary code breaker Alan Turing and the dedicated cryptographers from England's Bletchley Park to historians and...

Why You Should Care About Net Neutrality (faq)
From ACM News

Why You Should Care About Net Neutrality (faq)

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Tuesday struck down rules adopted by the Federal Communications Commission in 2010 meant to protect...

Wave Fingers, Make Faces: The Future of Computing at Intel
From ACM TechNews

Wave Fingers, Make Faces: The Future of Computing at Intel

Intel's perceptual computing technology incorporates gestures, facial recognition, and voice recognition to make devices more "natural, intuitive, and immersive...

Behold! Jonathan Ive's Apple
From ACM Opinion

Behold! Jonathan Ive's Apple

Apple is today releasing the much-anticipated iOS 7, and with it, the biggest overhaul of its mobile operating system since it debuted in 2007 with the original...

Graphics Gurus Master Wispy Hair, Snowballs, Torn Paper
From ACM News

Graphics Gurus Master Wispy Hair, Snowballs, Torn Paper

The computer graphics industry has an insatiable appetite for realism, and researchers next month will show how they plan to feed it with innovations in computerized...

Crowdsourced Videos, Photos Could Aid Boston Blast Investigations
From ACM News

Crowdsourced Videos, Photos Could Aid Boston Blast Investigations

Law enforcement officials could have something very different on their hands as they investigate the dual bomb blasts that struck the Boston Marathon finish line...

Nvidia Still Has a Lot to Prove in the Mobile Market
From ACM News

Nvidia Still Has a Lot to Prove in the Mobile Market

Nvidia may be flying high on its tablet wins, but it still has a long way to go before it can call itself a real mobile player.

Bravely Going Where Pixar Animation Tech Has Never Gone
From ACM News

Bravely Going Where Pixar Animation Tech Has Never Gone

As people, we understand instinctively what flowing hair looks like. Or the way layers of clothes move on someone's body, or how water would splash when a bear...

Leap Motion: 3D Hands-Free Motion Control, Unbound
From ACM News

Leap Motion: 3D Hands-Free Motion Control, Unbound

Hands-free motion control, a technology pioneered by Nintendo's Wii and later improved upon by Microsoft's Kinect, just took a very big leap forward.

Hackers Turn MIT Building Into Giant Tetris Game
From ACM News

Hackers Turn MIT Building Into Giant Tetris Game

Hackers overrode the tallest building in Cambridge, Mass., last week, turning the 21-story Green Building at MIT into a giant Tetris puzzle game controllable from...

Meet Sopa Author Lamar Smith, Hollywood's Favorite Republican
From ACM News

Meet Sopa Author Lamar Smith, Hollywood's Favorite Republican

Rep. Lamar Smith, whose congressional district in Texas encompasses the cropland and grazing land stretching between Austin and San Antonio, might seem like an...

Flash: Crippled But Alive... For Now
From ACM News

Flash: Crippled But Alive... For Now

Today, Adobe confirmed that it's extinguishing the Flash Player plug-in for mobile devices.

Irobot Ceo: Enough with the Gimmick 'bots
From ACM Opinion

Irobot Ceo: Enough with the Gimmick 'bots

It's no surprise that uber-geek and iRobot CEO Colin Angle is a Star Wars fan.

New Technology Revs Up Pixar's 'cars 2'
From ACM News

New Technology Revs Up Pixar's 'cars 2'

We all know what the reflections off cars or the roiling of the ocean are supposed to look like. So if you are tempted to believe that what you'll see in "Cars...

Android Programming's ­ps and Downs
From ACM Opinion

Android Programming's ­ps and Downs

As smartphones using Google's Android operating system become mainstream, James Steele and Nelson To are in a pretty good position.

Photo Project Aims to Preserve Time in 3D
From ACM TechNews

Photo Project Aims to Preserve Time in 3D

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology researchers have developed a method to preserve the world's treasures in three-dimensional life-like models using...
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