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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Autofocusing Contact Lenses? Today's Chip Research Peeks Into Tomorrow's Gadgets
From ACM TechNews

Autofocusing Contact Lenses? Today's Chip Research Peeks Into Tomorrow's Gadgets

Belgian design organization Imec is expanding into new territory with its latest computer chip technology research projects. 

How the Hell Could the FBI Hack Into That iPhone?
From ACM News

How the Hell Could the FBI Hack Into That iPhone?

You know that part about the FBI needing Apple's help to unlock a terrorist's iPhone 5C?

Battery-Free Wearables of the Future Could Run Off Your Footsteps
From ACM TechNews

Battery-Free Wearables of the Future Could Run Off Your Footsteps

Researchers at the University of Southampton have designed an insole to sit inside a person's shoe and harvest energy from their footsteps.

Apple Says Constitution 'forbids' What Fbi Is Asking
From ACM News

Apple Says Constitution 'forbids' What Fbi Is Asking

Apple shouldn't have to comply with a search order for an iPhone used by one the San Bernardino, California, terrorists because the Constitution forbids it, the...

Quantum Mechanics Is So Weird That Scientists Need AI to Design Experiments
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Mechanics Is So Weird That Scientists Need AI to Design Experiments

University of Vienna researchers have developed an algorithm that helps design experiments in quantum optics. 

Techiest Super Bowl Ever: Silicon Valley's Stadium Girds For the Big Game
From ACM News

Techiest Super Bowl Ever: Silicon Valley's Stadium Girds For the Big Game

Levi's Stadium has been in beta since it opened a year and a half ago.

What You Need to Know About Artificial Intelligence, and the Imminent Robot Future
From ACM News

What You Need to Know About Artificial Intelligence, and the Imminent Robot Future

Do androids dream of electric sheep? That's unclear, but I know for sure that every kid dreams of intelligent, thinking robots—certainly every kid who goes on to...

To Infinity: How Pixar Brought Computers to the Movies
From ACM News

To Infinity: How Pixar Brought Computers to the Movies

Ed Catmull's office could be a window into the brain of Pixar.

How Apple's Force Touch Could Change the Way You ­se Your Next Iphone or Ipad
From ACM News

How Apple's Force Touch Could Change the Way You ­se Your Next Iphone or Ipad

Pressure-sensitive screens, haptic feedback: Why should you care?

To Inspire Software and Hardware Developers, Intel Gets Bold and Very Weird
From ACM News

To Inspire Software and Hardware Developers, Intel Gets Bold and Very Weird

It was about 10 seconds into the robotic spider dance that you had to remind yourself you were watching a presentation by the world's largest chipmaker, Intel.

Natural Selection: Mama Robot Builds Self-Evolving Baby-Bots
From ACM News

Natural Selection: Mama Robot Builds Self-Evolving Baby-Bots

The theory of natural selection popularised by Charles Darwin has now been demonstrated in robots.

For Virtual-Reality Movies, Old Methods Don't Fit New Medium
From ACM News

For Virtual-Reality Movies, Old Methods Don't Fit New Medium

I'm standing on the bow of what looks to be a sunken pirate ship.

Mind-Controlled Telepresence Robots Could Restore Mobility to the Disabled
From ACM News

Mind-Controlled Telepresence Robots Could Restore Mobility to the Disabled

It may not be able to do grocery shopping or hang out laundry to dry, but a project involving current telepresence technology could help people with limited mobility...

The Surreal Dreams of Google's Image Recognition Software
From ACM News

The Surreal Dreams of Google's Image Recognition Software

Image recognition is a complicated business. For Google, that means an artificial neural network—software capable of learning.

Americans Resigned to Giving ­p Their Privacy, Says Study
From ACM News

Americans Resigned to Giving ­p Their Privacy, Says Study

I am not fond of depressing you. So I'm going to leave it to a new study performed by the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School For Communication.

Google on Eu Troubles: 'we Don't Always Get It Right'
From ACM Opinion

Google on Eu Troubles: 'we Don't Always Get It Right'

Google is in hot water in Europe, and its head of European operations is trying to cool things off.

The Telescope Looking For the Beginning of Time
From ACM News

The Telescope Looking For the Beginning of Time

The universe is a big place.

Inside the Multibillion-Dollar Quest to Make Faster, Cheaper Gadgets
From ACM Careers

Inside the Multibillion-Dollar Quest to Make Faster, Cheaper Gadgets

Mark Bohr peers through the yellow-tinted windows outside D1D, one of Intel's secretive computer chip factories housed at its 300-acre campus here, about a 30-minute...

Hbo's John Oliver Hits Snowden Hard on Nsa Leaks
From ACM Opinion

Hbo's John Oliver Hits Snowden Hard on Nsa Leaks

Edward Snowden and an unlikely interviewer squared-off on HBO over the leaks that exposed the National Security Agency's extensive surveillance programs.

Festo ­nleashes New Robotic Swarm of Ants and Butterflies
From ACM News

Festo ­nleashes New Robotic Swarm of Ants and Butterflies

The family of animal robots created by German robotics company Festo is growing. As part of its Bionic Learning Network, the company has introduced two new robots...
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