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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Inside Intellectual Ventures, the Most Hated Company in Tech
From ACM News

Inside Intellectual Ventures, the Most Hated Company in Tech

To many in the high-tech business, a troll plots his schemes in a white office building on a hill in this leafy suburb of Seattle.

How Google Is Becoming an Extension of Your Mind
From ACM Opinion

How Google Is Becoming an Extension of Your Mind

It's time to think of Google as much more than just a search engine, and that should both excite and spook you.

The Man Who Keeps Facebook Humming
From ACM Opinion

The Man Who Keeps Facebook Humming

Jay Parikh is happy to never get a call from Mark Zuckerberg. Why? It means he's doing his job well. As the vice president of infrastructure engineering at Facebook...

How the White House Is Aiming the X Prize Model at Big Problems
From ACM TechNews

How the White House Is Aiming the X Prize Model at Big Problems

The U.S. government recently held Collaborative Innovation: Public Sector Prizes, a one-day forum in which public-sector employees, as well as representatives from...

From ACM News

Browser Choice: A Thing of the Past?

Like to pick your browser? Beware, because new mobile devices threaten to stifle the competitive vigor of the market for Web browsers on PCs.

FBI: We Need Wiretap-Ready Web Sites
From ACM News

FBI: We Need Wiretap-Ready Web Sites

The FBI is asking Internet companies not to oppose a controversial proposal that would require the firms, including Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, and Google, to build...

Global Manhunt Will Leverage Social Media to Find 'suspects'
From ACM News

Global Manhunt Will Leverage Social Media to Find 'suspects'

If you had to track down fugitives hidden in five cities around the world, would one day and a $5,000 reward be enough to succeed?

The Robots Are Coming! Better Get Used to It
From ACM News

The Robots Are Coming! Better Get Used to It

For those of you reluctant to welcome our new robot overloads, it might be time to reconsider your stance.

Jeff Jaffe Lights a Fire ­nder Web Standardization
From ACM Opinion

Jeff Jaffe Lights a Fire ­nder Web Standardization

 It's been an action-packed two years since Jeff Jaffe took over as the World Wide Web Consortium's chief executive, but more action is the order of the day at...

Why the Security Industry Never Actually Makes ­s Secure
From ACM News

Why the Security Industry Never Actually Makes ­s Secure

Every year, security vendors gather at the RSA conference here to reaffirm their commitment to fencing out hackers and keeping data safe. And every year, corporate...

In the World of Big Data, Privacy Invasion Is the Business Model
From ACM News

In the World of Big Data, Privacy Invasion Is the Business Model

Recent weeks have seen a lot of (overdue) talk about privacy and technology. There was theflap over Path and other mobile apps uploading your phone's address books...

Why 'big Data' Is a Magnet For Startups
From ACM Careers

Why 'big Data' Is a Magnet For Startups

Armies of entrepreneurs are trying to make money sifting through mountains of data from the Web and other sources, but one of the biggest challenges is simply getting...

From ACM News

Patent Grants Hit All-Time High in 2011; Ibm Leads the Way

Patents were a hot-button issue in 2011, so there's no wonder so many companies were filling their portfolios with new intellectual property all year.

Flash: Crippled But Alive... For Now
From ACM News

Flash: Crippled But Alive... For Now

Today, Adobe confirmed that it's extinguishing the Flash Player plug-in for mobile devices.

Schmidt Avoids a Gates-Like Disaster in D.c.
From ACM News

Schmidt Avoids a Gates-Like Disaster in D.c.

Eric Schmidt cut a confident figure today prior to his testimony before U.S. lawmakers, who later appeared determined to find out if Google abuses its supremacy...

From ACM News

The America Invents Act and the Individual Inventor

Much has been said about how the newly passed patent reform legislation, the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, benefits large corporations. While that argument...

How Ibm's 5150 Pc Shaped the Computer Industry
From ACM News

How Ibm's 5150 Pc Shaped the Computer Industry

Most people in the Western world walk around with a powerful computer in their pocket or purse, otherwise known as a smartphone. It's not unusual to see someone...

Microsoft Opens Garage to Spark Innovation
From ACM News

Microsoft Opens Garage to Spark Innovation

It's typical for Microsoft to show off its latest wares at its annual Worldwide Partner Conference, if only to amp up partners' enthusiasm for hawking the software...

Google+ Contributor and Mac Pioneer Talks with CNET
From ACM Opinion

Google+ Contributor and Mac Pioneer Talks with CNET

Thirty years ago, Andy Hertzfeld was a young computer engineer working at Apple Computer on the first Macintosh under the leadership of Steve Jobs. As Jobs had...

From ACM News

Apple's New Multitouch Patent (faq)

Apple picked up a patent Tuesday that could come in very handy in today's thicket of smartphone-related intellectual property litigation.
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