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subjectPersonal Computing

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Leap Motion: 3D Hands-Free Motion Control, Unbound
From ACM News

Leap Motion: 3D Hands-Free Motion Control, Unbound

Hands-free motion control, a technology pioneered by Nintendo's Wii and later improved upon by Microsoft's Kinect, just took a very big leap forward.

Deaf IBM Researcher Scoffs at Not Talking on the Phone
From ACM TechNews

Deaf IBM Researcher Scoffs at Not Talking on the Phone

IBM researcher Dimitri Kanevsky was recently honored at the White House to celebrate his achievements in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math...

Smart Shoes Step ­p the Wearable-Computing Pace
From ACM TechNews

Smart Shoes Step ­p the Wearable-Computing Pace

Researchers at the universities of Munich and Toronto have developed ShoeSense, a type of wearable computing system for smartphones.  

FBI: We Need Wiretap-Ready Web Sites
From ACM News

FBI: We Need Wiretap-Ready Web Sites

The FBI is asking Internet companies not to oppose a controversial proposal that would require the firms, including Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, and Google, to build...

A Ride on MIT Media Lab's Digital Bandwagon
From ACM TechNews

A Ride on MIT Media Lab's Digital Bandwagon

Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab recently hosted its annual Inside Out conference where speakers from several projects discussed the future of...

In the World of Big Data, Privacy Invasion Is the Business Model
From ACM News

In the World of Big Data, Privacy Invasion Is the Business Model

Recent weeks have seen a lot of (overdue) talk about privacy and technology. There was theflap over Path and other mobile apps uploading your phone's address books...

Stanford ­niversity Researchers Break Nucaptcha Video Security
From ACM News

Stanford ­niversity Researchers Break Nucaptcha Video Security

When it launched in 2010, NuCaptcha touted its proprietary technology as being able to "provide the highest level of security available" by using video streams...

Why 'big Data' Is a Magnet For Startups
From ACM Careers

Why 'big Data' Is a Magnet For Startups

Armies of entrepreneurs are trying to make money sifting through mountains of data from the Web and other sources, but one of the biggest challenges is simply getting...

From ACM News

Google Wants Ability to 'combine' Your ­ser Data

Google is planning to rewrite its privacy policy to grant it explicit rights to "combine personal information" across multiple products and services, the company...

Meet Sopa Author Lamar Smith, Hollywood's Favorite Republican
From ACM News

Meet Sopa Author Lamar Smith, Hollywood's Favorite Republican

Rep. Lamar Smith, whose congressional district in Texas encompasses the cropland and grazing land stretching between Austin and San Antonio, might seem like an...

Flash: Crippled But Alive... For Now
From ACM News

Flash: Crippled But Alive... For Now

Today, Adobe confirmed that it's extinguishing the Flash Player plug-in for mobile devices.

Irobot Ceo: Enough with the Gimmick 'bots
From ACM Opinion

Irobot Ceo: Enough with the Gimmick 'bots

It's no surprise that uber-geek and iRobot CEO Colin Angle is a Star Wars fan.

Outsmarted: Captcha Security Not Much of a Gotcha
From ACM News

Outsmarted: Captcha Security Not Much of a Gotcha

A team of Stanford University researchers has bad news to report about Captchas, those often unreadable, always annoying distorted letters that you're required...

Microsoft Sees Screens Everywhere in Futuristic Video
From ACM News

Microsoft Sees Screens Everywhere in Futuristic Video

Say what you will about Microsoft's execution in developing cool products and services consumers want, where rivals such as Apple and Google have stolen a beat...

From ACM News

Privacy at Risk: Who's Watching You?

The notion of Big Brother has been around for decades, but technology has long lagged behind the Orwellian imagination. Not any more; in the era of smartphones...

How Ibm's 5150 Pc Shaped the Computer Industry
From ACM News

How Ibm's 5150 Pc Shaped the Computer Industry

Most people in the Western world walk around with a powerful computer in their pocket or purse, otherwise known as a smartphone. It's not unusual to see someone...

Microsoft Opens Garage to Spark Innovation
From ACM News

Microsoft Opens Garage to Spark Innovation

It's typical for Microsoft to show off its latest wares at its annual Worldwide Partner Conference, if only to amp up partners' enthusiasm for hawking the software...

Google+ Contributor and Mac Pioneer Talks with CNET
From ACM Opinion

Google+ Contributor and Mac Pioneer Talks with CNET

Thirty years ago, Andy Hertzfeld was a young computer engineer working at Apple Computer on the first Macintosh under the leadership of Steve Jobs. As Jobs had...

From ACM News

Apple's New Multitouch Patent (faq)

Apple picked up a patent Tuesday that could come in very handy in today's thicket of smartphone-related intellectual property litigation.

From ACM News

Can Wireless Networks Support the Promise of the 'cloud'?

Google, Apple, and Amazon are pushing more and more of your entertainment, your data—heck, your life—into the cloud. But what's it mean for the wireless network...
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