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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Researchers Demonstrate Quantum Entanglement, Prove Einstein Wrong
From ACM News

Researchers Demonstrate Quantum Entanglement, Prove Einstein Wrong

For the first time, quantum entanglement of a single particle has been observed by researchers—an event that Albert Einstein believed to be impossible under the...

Cars Could Learn to Drive Themselves from Human Behavior
From ACM News

Cars Could Learn to Drive Themselves from Human Behavior

Object recognition makes up one part of autonomous car technology, but then comes the question of what the car does in response to what it detects.

FCC Goes Public with Net Neutrality Rules For Governing Internet
From ACM News

FCC Goes Public with Net Neutrality Rules For Governing Internet

The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday finally spelled out how it will preserve the open Internet, publicly releasing a 400-page PDF that details its...

Dig This: I Operated a Giant Excavator from 2,500km Away
From ACM News

Dig This: I Operated a Giant Excavator from 2,500km Away

Thanks to Ericsson, I can check off operating heavy machinery from my bucket list.

7 Things Net Neutrality Won't Do
From ACM News

7 Things Net Neutrality Won't Do

When it comes to the new Net neutrality rules adopted last week by the Federal Communications Commission, people think either that US regulators have liberated...

Rare Stegosaurus Skeleton Delivers Secrets Through 3D Scanning
From ACM News

Rare Stegosaurus Skeleton Delivers Secrets Through 3D Scanning

In 2013, London's Natural History Museum acquired a rare Stegosaurus skeleton.

Rosetta's Lost Comet Lander Philae Could Wake ­p in May Sunshine
From ACM News

Rosetta's Lost Comet Lander Philae Could Wake ­p in May Sunshine

Spring is seen as a time of renewal. Flowers bloom. Days get longer. New life emerges. Something similar could happen on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the object...

Google Lunar Xprize: Testing Rovers on the Beach with Team Hakuto
From ACM Careers

Google Lunar Xprize: Testing Rovers on the Beach with Team Hakuto

Before you blast off to the moon in search of $30 million offered as part of the Google Lunar XPrize—or the juicy $20 million grand prize for being the first to...

High-Tech Warriors: A Glimpse Into the Stadium of the Future
From ACM News

High-Tech Warriors: A Glimpse Into the Stadium of the Future

Floor tiles that generate electricity when people walk on them. Streetlamps that transmit data to people passing beneath them.

Google Lunar Xprize: Astrobotic's Rover Rakes in $750,000
From ACM News

Google Lunar Xprize: Astrobotic's Rover Rakes in $750,000

It's been a little while since we checked in with Team Astrobotic.It's been a little while since we checked in with Team Astrobotic.

Amputee Simultaneously Controls Two Prosthetic Arms with His Mind
From ACM News

Amputee Simultaneously Controls Two Prosthetic Arms with His Mind

Replacement limbs that completely replicate the functions and abilities of real limbs are the current white whale of prosthetics, and we're getting closer: mind...

Why Nasa Looks to Europa to Find the Building Blocks of Life
From ACM News

Why Nasa Looks to Europa to Find the Building Blocks of Life

When it comes to life, biologists have long hypothesised that its origins—on Earth, at least—were in thermal vents on the ocean floor, following a period of ...

Hacker Mitnick Has a Plan to Help You Stay Safe Online
From ACM Opinion

Hacker Mitnick Has a Plan to Help You Stay Safe Online

Even famed hacker Kevin Mitnick—labeled a "computer terrorist" by the FBI in the '90s—worries about getting hacked.

Digital Reconstruction Restores Rare Dino Skull
From ACM News

Digital Reconstruction Restores Rare Dino Skull

Dinosaur fossils are valuable resources—yet access to them can be tricky.

Self-Driving Car Advocates Tangle With Messy Morality
From ACM News

Self-Driving Car Advocates Tangle With Messy Morality

Sure, dealing with lane changes, firetrucks and construction projects is difficult for engineers building self-driving cars. But what about deciding which people...

Vimeo Tech Chief Takes on 'terrifying' Online Video Challenges
From ACM Opinion

Vimeo Tech Chief Takes on 'terrifying' Online Video Challenges

Think online video is old hat? Think again.

The Scent of a Comet: Rotten Eggs and Pee
From ACM News

The Scent of a Comet: Rotten Eggs and Pee

Eau de Comet isn't, we now know, the most seductive scent floating around in our galaxy. The Rosetta probe's Rosetta Orbiter Sensor for Ion and Neutral Analysis...

Intel Meets its 'makers,' with Chips For Diy Set and the Firms They'll Found
From ACM Opinion

Intel Meets its 'makers,' with Chips For Diy Set and the Firms They'll Found

Intel's Edison chip has been launched in a rocket, floated in a weather balloon, fitted into a futuristic light-emitting dress and used to power a dancing robot...

Internet of Things Gets a Hand from Arm's New Operating System
From ACM News

Internet of Things Gets a Hand from Arm's New Operating System

Desktops have Linux. Mobile devices have Android. The Internet of Things has...Mbed?

Tiny Robot Learns to Fly a Real Plane
From ACM News

Tiny Robot Learns to Fly a Real Plane

A small, hobby-sized robot could herald the pilot of the future.
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