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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Can Wireless Networks Support the Promise of the 'cloud'?

Google, Apple, and Amazon are pushing more and more of your entertainment, your data—heck, your life—into the cloud. But what's it mean for the wireless network...

Arrests in Spain Don't Mean Sony's Troubles Are Over
From ACM News

Arrests in Spain Don't Mean Sony's Troubles Are Over

The Spanish police say they've taken down three of the people allegedly behind the massive PlayStation Network security breach in April. But while it's probably...

Ipv6 Day: Kicking the Tires of a Next-Gen Net Today
From ACM News

Ipv6 Day: Kicking the Tires of a Next-Gen Net Today

The computing industry has begun a major 24-hour test today to work the kinks out of IPv6, a disruptive but necessary overhaul of the Internet's inner workings...

Intel Ceo: Big Shift to Mobile
From ACM News

Intel Ceo: Big Shift to Mobile

CEO Paul Otellini said today that Intel is embarking on a big shift in focus, moving its center of gravity to the most power-efficient devices.

From ACM News

Apple, Google Leagues Ahead in Developer Survey

Google lost some ground in its effort to catch Apple's lead in the effort to attract mobile developer interest, but other rivals aren't even close, survey data...

From ACM News

Testing Google's Panda Algorithm: Cnet Analysis

Google's sweeping changes to Web site rankings have roiled the Web industry, including the company's announcement last week that its algorithms now incorporate...

Who Is Epsilon and Why Does It Have My Data?
From ACM News

Who Is Epsilon and Why Does It Have My Data?

If you didn't get an email warning this week that your name and email address were part of a database that was breached, consider yourself lucky, and unique.

2010: The Year Apple Also Became a Chip Company
From ACM News

2010: The Year Apple Also Became a Chip Company

While changes in the ancient market-share rivalry between chipmakers Intel and Advanced Micro Devices were unremarkable in 2010, the emergence of Apple as a force...

From ACM News

Egypt's Internet Goes Dark During Political ­nrest

Egypt has gone offline.

From ACM Opinion

Apple: Disrupt or Perish

While the secret for Apple's success seems patently obvious to most&meash;as obvious as the form and function of the iPhone 4—a more subtle reason is the company's...

Apple to Tap Intel's Graphics For Future Macbooks
From ACM News

Apple to Tap Intel's Graphics For Future Macbooks

Apple has decided to use Intel's upcoming Sandy Bridge processors in its MacBook line, a transition that will occur in 2011, squeezing out Nvidia's graphics processors...

­.s. Chip Manufacturing in the Age of the Ipad
From ACM News

­.s. Chip Manufacturing in the Age of the Ipad

Behind the fly-off-the-shelf popularity of products like Apple's iPad and iPhone are hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs—mostly overseas. Is it possible...

Wikileaks Files Detail ­.s. Electronic Surveillance
From ACM News

Wikileaks Files Detail ­.s. Electronic Surveillance

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered clandestine surveillance of United Nations leadership, including obtaining "security measures, passwords, personalWikiLeaks...

From ACM TechNews

Survey of Women, Men in IT Shows Differing Views

A recent Technisource survey of men and women in information technology found differences in opinion in areas such as compensation and career challenges. Fewer...

At&t Prepares For the End to Iphone Exclusivity
From ACM News

At&t Prepares For the End to Iphone Exclusivity

The end of 2010 is close and it looks like AT&T is beefing up its device portfolio and app offerings for a day when it isn't the only U.S. operator offering the...

Will the It Guy Learn to Love Apple?
From ACM News

Will the It Guy Learn to Love Apple?

It's likely you've got an Apple product plugged into your ears when you're listening to music. Making a phone call? One out of every five people buying a smartphone...

Intel's Andy Grove on Manufacturing in America
From ACM News

Intel's Andy Grove on Manufacturing in America

Among the scores of fabless chip companies and product design houses in Silicon Valley, Intel is a standout. It's an American high-tech company that not only...

From ACM News

Why Rare Earth Metals Matter to Tech

A diplomatic dispute between Japan and China led China in September to temporarily suspend shipments of rare earth elements to Japan, a move that caused a spike...

From ACM News

Is 4G Wireless Enough to Sate Consumers?

As data traffic explodes on wireless networks thanks to smartphones and other connected mobile devices, 4G wireless technology is expected to solve mobile operators'...

Intel, Amd Vie to Rewire Pc's Brain
From ACM News

Intel, Amd Vie to Rewire Pc's Brain

Intel and AMD are off to the races again. This time it's about making PCs not just faster, but more versatile.
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