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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Technology Revs Up Pixar's 'cars 2'
From ACM News

New Technology Revs Up Pixar's 'cars 2'

We all know what the reflections off cars or the roiling of the ocean are supposed to look like. So if you are tempted to believe that what you'll see in "Cars...

Photo Project Aims to Preserve Time in 3D
From ACM TechNews

Photo Project Aims to Preserve Time in 3D

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology researchers have developed a method to preserve the world's treasures in three-dimensional life-like models using...

From ACM TechNews

Google Offers JPEG Alternative for Faster Web

Google has developed a new format for Web images called WebP, which it says can reduce image file sizes by 40 percent compared to the widely used JPEG format. 

Intel, Amd Vie to Rewire Pc's Brain
From ACM News

Intel, Amd Vie to Rewire Pc's Brain

Intel and AMD are off to the races again. This time it's about making PCs not just faster, but more versatile.

Algorithm Ranks World's Top Soccer Talent
From ACM News

Algorithm Ranks World's Top Soccer Talent

These days, in pretty much every sport, there is no hiding from statistics. Coaches, team owners, fantasy leaguers, and fans are tracking and analyzing a player's...

Augmented Reality Edges Closer to Mainstream
From ACM News

Augmented Reality Edges Closer to Mainstream

To an unenlightened observer, Ron Haidenger's demonstration of playing a video game by tilting a piece of cardboard back and forth looks more than a little bit...

Inside NASA's World-Class Supercomputer Center
From ACM News

Inside NASA's World-Class Supercomputer Center

If you're a materials scientist at NASA's Glenn Research Center, or an engineer at the Johnson or Marshall Space Centers studying Space Shuttle flow-control valves...

Microsoft Sponsors New Web Font Standard
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Sponsors New Web Font Standard

Microsoft has become a sponsor of a World Wide Web Consortium effort to standardize Web-based fonts with technology called the Web Open Font Format (WOFF). 

From ACM News

Feds Push For Tracking Cell Phones

Two years ago, when the FBI was stymied by a band of armed robbers known as the "Scarecrow Bandits" that had robbed more than 20 Texas banks, it came up with aconvicted...

Hacker 'mudge' Gets DARPA Job
From ACM News

Hacker 'mudge' Gets DARPA Job

Peiter Zatko--a respected hacker known as "Mudge"--has been tapped to be a program manager at DARPA, where he will be in charge of funding research designed toDARPA...

Cisco Predicts Wireless Data Explosion
From ACM News

Cisco Predicts Wireless Data Explosion

If wireless operators thought they'd faced a deluge of data traffic from the iPhone, they haven't seen anything yet, according to a survey from network equipment...

From ACM News

Police Want Backdoor to Web Users' Private Data

count likely knows that police can peek inside it if they have a paper search warrant. But cybercrime investigators are frustrated by the speed of traditionalone...

From ACM TechNews

With Draft Standard, 3d Web Closer to Reality

The Khronos Group and Mozilla have announced the release of WebGL, a new standard for enabling Web browsers to support three-dimensional (3D) graphics. The draft...

From ACM News

Wi-Fi Certification Might Be Tweaked For Smart Grids

The Wi-Fi Alliance has formed a task group to determine what standards need to be modified to ensure Wi-Fi is the tool of choice for smart-grid applications. The...

Intel Toots Its Research Horn For Chips  and More
From ACM TechNews

Intel Toots Its Research Horn For Chips and More

Intel's recent Research Day provided demonstrations and previews of the variety of projects that extend beyond the company's core computer processor business....

From ACM TechNews

Dhs Creates Privacy Principles For Scientific Research

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has developed privacy principles for science and technology-related research and development projects that involve...

From ACM TechNews

Nasa Turns to Open-Source Problem-Tracking Databases

The recent launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavour will involve the first live test of new software that was designed to streamline the process of problem reporting...
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