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subjectComputers And Society

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Silent Circle Follows Lavabit in Shuttering Encrypted Email
From ACM News

Silent Circle Follows Lavabit in Shuttering Encrypted Email

Silent Circle shuttered its encrypted email service on Thursday, the second such closure in just a few hours in an apparent attempt to avoid government scrutiny...

How the ­.s. Forces Net Firms to Cooperate on Surveillance
From ACM News

How the ­.s. Forces Net Firms to Cooperate on Surveillance

By wielding a potent legal threat, the U.S. government is often able to force Internet companies to aid its surveillance demands.

Here Come the Arabic, Russian, and Chinese Net Addresses
From ACM News

Here Come the Arabic, Russian, and Chinese Net Addresses

ICANN, the organization in charge of a major overhaul of Internet addresses, said it has signed agreements that will bring Chinese, Russian, and Arabic domain names...

'blue Waters' Supercomputer Helps Crack Hiv Code
From ACM TechNews

'blue Waters' Supercomputer Helps Crack Hiv Code

Researchers used the Blue Waters supercomputer to discover the structure of the HIV capsid. 

Crowdsourced Videos, Photos Could Aid Boston Blast Investigations
From ACM News

Crowdsourced Videos, Photos Could Aid Boston Blast Investigations

Law enforcement officials could have something very different on their hands as they investigate the dual bomb blasts that struck the Boston Marathon finish line...

Apple's iMessage Encryption Trips Up Feds' Surveillance
From ACM News

Apple's iMessage Encryption Trips Up Feds' Surveillance

Encryption used in Apple's iMessage chat service has stymied attempts by federal drug enforcement agents to eavesdrop on suspects' conversations, an internal government...

Dhs Built Domestic Surveillance Tech Into Predator Drones
From ACM News

Dhs Built Domestic Surveillance Tech Into Predator Drones

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has customized its Predator drones, originally built for overseas military operations, to carry out at-home surveillance...

Feds Crack Down on Mobile-Phone Spammers
From ACM News

Feds Crack Down on Mobile-Phone Spammers

The U.S Federal Trade Commission said today that it is cracking down on marketers that are allegedly bombarding consumers with hundreds of millions of unwanted on...

Why Teens Are Tiring of Facebook
From ACM Opinion

Why Teens Are Tiring of Facebook

To understand where teens like to spend their virtual time nowadways, just watch them on their smartphones.

Vint Cerf Sees an 'Interspecies Internet' to Talk With Animals
From ACM TechNews

Vint Cerf Sees an 'Interspecies Internet' to Talk With Animals

Technology evangelists have proposed a new inter-species Internet that would facilitate communication between humans and animals. 

Amateur Effort Finds New Largest Prime Number
From ACM News

Amateur Effort Finds New Largest Prime Number

The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) project has scored its 14th consecutive victory, discovering the largest prime number so far.

Web Founder Berners-Lee: Share Info, Improve the World
From ACM TechNews

Web Founder Berners-Lee: Share Info, Improve the World

Sharing information online has the potential to improve society worldwide, said World Wide Web founder Sir Tim Berners-Lee at the recent 2013 World Economic Forum...

Ito: Think Twice About Immortality and the Singularity
From ACM Opinion

Ito: Think Twice About Immortality and the Singularity

Ray Kurzweil's vision of the "singularity"—when nanobots make humans immortal and computer progress is so fast that the future becomes profoundly unknowable—is...

Google's Kurzweil on Teaching Human Language to Computers
From ACM Opinion

Google's Kurzweil on Teaching Human Language to Computers

Famed inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil joined Google last month to work on "some of the hardest problems in computer science," specifically machine learning and...

Revealed: Nsa Targeting Domestic Computer Systems in Secret Test
From ACM TechNews

Revealed: Nsa Targeting Domestic Computer Systems in Secret Test

The U.S. National Security Agency has launched Perfect Citizen, a program to find security vulnerabilities in the computerized systems that control utilities....

How Google Is Taking the Knowledge Graph Global
From ACM News

How Google Is Taking the Knowledge Graph Global

Earlier this month, Google shared a fascinating statistic. The number of items in the company's Knowledge Graph—its database of people, places, and things, and...

Privacy Professor to Try to Break Do Not Track Logjam
From ACM TechNews

Privacy Professor to Try to Break Do Not Track Logjam

  Ohio State University professor and new World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) co-chair Peter Swire is attempting to create a standard way to let users stop Web sites...

Obama's Win a Big Vindication for Nate Silver, King of the Quants
From ACM News

Obama's Win a Big Vindication for Nate Silver, King of the Quants

In the end, big data won.

­.s. Looks to Replace Human Surveillance with Computers
From ACM News

­.s. Looks to Replace Human Surveillance with Computers

Computer software programmed to detect and report illicit behavior could eventually replace the fallible humans who monitor surveillance cameras.

Ftc Offers $50,000 to Robocall Killers
From ACM Careers

Ftc Offers $50,000 to Robocall Killers

The Federal Trade Commission is offering a cash reward of $50,000 to whoever develops a solution to block robotic calling on both landlines and mobiles.
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