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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

China Looks to Lead the Internet of Things
From ACM News

China Looks to Lead the Internet of Things

When architect James Law looks in the mirror each morning his reflection is not all that greets him—he can also see the weather report, email messages, and his...

How Secure Is Your Electronic Vote?
From ACM News

How Secure Is Your Electronic Vote?

In an era when shadowy hackers can snatch secret government files and humble big businesses with seeming ease, it's an unavoidable question as Election Day approaches...

His Other Car Is on Mars
From ACM Opinion

His Other Car Is on Mars

On Earth, Scott Maxwell drives his red Prius without paying much attention to the San Gabriel Mountains in the distance.

Why Faces Matter to Facebook
From ACM Opinion

Why Faces Matter to Facebook

Facebook really wants to know what you look like.

Google Reports 'alarming' Rise in Government Censorship Requests
From ACM News

Google Reports 'alarming' Rise in Government Censorship Requests

Western governments, including the United States, appear to be stepping up efforts to censor Internet search results and YouTube videos, according to a "transparency...

From ACM News

Cyberwar Explodes in Syria

A familiar digital chime rang on the computer. Someone was calling via Skype from Syria.

Why Can't Americans Vote Online?
From ACM News

Why Can't Americans Vote Online?

Tuesday is Election Day in the United States, and although the mostly state and local races won't stir the same passions as next year's presidential contest,...

Why Computer Voices Are Mostly Female
From ACM News

Why Computer Voices Are Mostly Female

To most owners of the new iPhone, the voice-activated feature called Siri is more than a virtual "assistant" who can help schedule appointments, find a good nearby...

Meet Dark Tangent, the Hacker Behind Black Hat and Def Con
From ACM News

Meet Dark Tangent, the Hacker Behind Black Hat and Def Con

The word "hacker" evokes all kinds of scary images. But Jeff Moss says hackers are exactly what the world needs more of, because they can make the Internet safer...

Why Gadget Makers Wield a 'Kill Switch'
From ACM News

Why Gadget Makers Wield a 'Kill Switch'

When you buy a video game from Best Buy, you don't give the retailer the right to barge into your house whenever it wants. So why do we give that permission to...

How Google Is Teaching Computers to See
From ACM News

How Google Is Teaching Computers to See

Computers used to be blind, and now they can see.  Thanks to increasingly sophisticated algorithms, computers today can recognize and identify the Eiffel Tower...

Google Making App that Would Identify People's Faces
From ACM News

Google Making App that Would Identify People's Faces

Google is working on a mobile application that would allow users to snap pictures of people's faces in order to access their personal information, a director...

From ACM News

Rediscovering Wwii's Female 'computers'

In all the interviews and conversations, it hadn't come up. To the sisters, it was just a job they'd held a long time ago, when they were teens with a talent...

From ACM News

The End of Credit Cards Is Coming

Credit cards may soon be as outdated as vinyl records. (Remember them?) And this is the year that the slow, steady march to oblivion begins.

Biometric Atm Gives Cash Via 'finger Vein' Scan
From ACM News

Biometric Atm Gives Cash Via 'finger Vein' Scan

Poland's cooperative BPS bank says it's the first in Europe to install a biometric ATM--allowing customers to withdraw cash simply with the touch of a fingertip...

'smart Dust' Aims to Monitor Everything
From ACM News

'smart Dust' Aims to Monitor Everything

In the 1990s, a researcher named Kris Pister dreamed up a wild future in which people would sprinkle the Earth with countless tiny sensors, no larger than grains...

Cashing in on Internet Censorship
From ACM News

Cashing in on Internet Censorship

A growing number of software companies are capitalizing on an unexpected business opportunity: Internet censorship.  In countries where governments continue to...

An Engineer's Quest to Caption the Web
From ACM News

An Engineer's Quest to Caption the Web

The Internet used to be a place where Ken Harrenstien could do anything. The Google engineer, who has been deaf since childhood, loved the Web because he could...

Breaking Through the Language Barrier
From ACM TechNews

Breaking Through the Language Barrier

IBM and other technology firms are researching ways to translate online content. IBM's n.Fluent project is developing software designed to instantly translate...

Cyber Challenge Tests Nation's Top Hackers
From ACM News

Cyber Challenge Tests Nation's Top Hackers

With the coolness of a card shark at the final table of the World Series of Poker, Matt Bergin pulls the hood of his brown sweatshirt over his head and concentrates...
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