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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Court Allows Agents to Secretly Put GPS Trackers on Cars

Law enforcement officers may secretly place a GPS device on a person's car without seeking a warrant from a judge, according to a recent federal appeals court...

From ACM News

The Technical Muscle Behind Wikileaks

WikiLeaks isn't much to look at. The Website's homepage is largely composed of a plain-text logo and a giant hyperlink that simply says: "Submit documents."

The Website That Reveals State Secrets
From ACM News

The Website That Reveals State Secrets

If Daniel Ellsberg wanted to leak secret documents today, he probably would send them to a powerful and controversial new venue for whistle-blowing: a Website called...

Biometric Atm Gives Cash Via 'finger Vein' Scan
From ACM News

Biometric Atm Gives Cash Via 'finger Vein' Scan

Poland's cooperative BPS bank says it's the first in Europe to install a biometric ATM--allowing customers to withdraw cash simply with the touch of a fingertip...

From ACM News

Divorce Attorneys Catching Cheaters on Facebook

Before the explosion of social media, Ken Altshuler, a divorce lawyer in Maine, dug up dirt on his client's spouses the old-fashioned way: with private investigators...

Cashing in on Internet Censorship
From ACM News

Cashing in on Internet Censorship

A growing number of software companies are capitalizing on an unexpected business opportunity: Internet censorship.  In countries where governments continue to...

An Engineer's Quest to Caption the Web
From ACM News

An Engineer's Quest to Caption the Web

The Internet used to be a place where Ken Harrenstien could do anything. The Google engineer, who has been deaf since childhood, loved the Web because he could...

Cyber Challenge Tests Nation's Top Hackers
From ACM News

Cyber Challenge Tests Nation's Top Hackers

With the coolness of a card shark at the final table of the World Series of Poker, Matt Bergin pulls the hood of his brown sweatshirt over his head and concentrates...
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