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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

China's Censorship Could Lead to a Brain Drain
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China's Censorship Could Lead to a Brain Drain

They are coming from cities across China, including Beijing and Shanghai. Students are leaving mainland China for the opportunity to study in Hong Kong instead.

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Divorce Attorneys Catching Cheaters on Facebook

Before the explosion of social media, Ken Altshuler, a divorce lawyer in Maine, dug up dirt on his client's spouses the old-fashioned way: with private investigators...

From ACM News

How Apps, Texting Can Improve Your Health

Before iPhones, Foursquare and Facebook, B.J. Fogg envisioned a mobile fitness device that coaches the user, tracks her location, and shows her friends also exercising...

Why Are Computer ­sers Still Choking on Spam?
From ACM News

Why Are Computer ­sers Still Choking on Spam?

Who is actually responsible for sending spam. It might surprise many to learn that the number one source of spam is the United States, according to a new report...

'smart Dust' Aims to Monitor Everything
From ACM News

'smart Dust' Aims to Monitor Everything

In the 1990s, a researcher named Kris Pister dreamed up a wild future in which people would sprinkle the Earth with countless tiny sensors, no larger than grains...

Scientists Work to Keep Hackers Out of Implanted Medical Devices
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Work to Keep Hackers Out of Implanted Medical Devices

Researchers are developing ways to prevent hackers from accessing and remotely controlling medical devices that emit wireless signals.

From ACM News

Study: Google-China Attack Driven by Amateurs

The computer attack which led Google to threaten leaving China and created a firestorm between Washington and Beijing appears to have been deployed by amateurs,...

Cashing in on Internet Censorship
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Cashing in on Internet Censorship

A growing number of software companies are capitalizing on an unexpected business opportunity: Internet censorship.  In countries where governments continue to...

An Engineer's Quest to Caption the Web
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An Engineer's Quest to Caption the Web

The Internet used to be a place where Ken Harrenstien could do anything. The Google engineer, who has been deaf since childhood, loved the Web because he could...

Breaking Through the Language Barrier
From ACM TechNews

Breaking Through the Language Barrier

IBM and other technology firms are researching ways to translate online content. IBM's n.Fluent project is developing software designed to instantly translate...

Cyber Challenge Tests Nation's Top Hackers
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Cyber Challenge Tests Nation's Top Hackers

With the coolness of a card shark at the final table of the World Series of Poker, Matt Bergin pulls the hood of his brown sweatshirt over his head and concentrates...

From ACM News

At a Loss For Words? Google Offers Search By Sight

Google's first search engine let people search by typing text onto a Web page. Next came queries spoken over the phone. On Monday, Google announced the ability...

From ACM TechNews

A Vision of Computing From Microsoft's Future Thinker

Over the next 10 years, how people interact with computers will evolve drastically, with hand gesture controls becoming as common as keyboards, and file selection...

Smartphone Security Threats Likely to Rise
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Smartphone Security Threats Likely to Rise

Internet security experts say that worms, spam, viruses and hackers could be well on their way into your smartphone, whose rising popularity makes them sweeter...

How Robot Drones Revolutionized the Face of Warfare
From ACM News

How Robot Drones Revolutionized the Face of Warfare

Today's warriors are fighting without getting in harm's way, with drones dramatically tilting the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan in favor of the United States...

Twitter Message Could Be Cyber Criminal at Work
From ACM News

Twitter Message Could Be Cyber Criminal at Work

Cyber criminals are setting snares that move at the speed of news. Panda Security, a Spain-based antivirus maker, has been monitoring an onslaught of links with...

From ACM TechNews

Making Sense of the 'semantic Web'

The semantic Web could enable more interactive and accurate searches and is considered a crucial component of emerging Web 3.0 technology. Researchers are exploring...
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