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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Ftc Offers $50,000 to Robocall Killers
From ACM Careers

Ftc Offers $50,000 to Robocall Killers

The Federal Trade Commission is offering a cash reward of $50,000 to whoever develops a solution to block robotic calling on both landlines and mobiles.

Inside Google's Sci-Fi Search Experiments
From ACM News

Inside Google's Sci-Fi Search Experiments

The familiar whistle of a smartphone notification told me that Paco was hungry.

How the Pros Thwart Computer Spies with James Bond Tricks
From ACM News

How the Pros Thwart Computer Spies with James Bond Tricks

H.D. Moore wasn't taking chances.

A Who's Who of Mideast-Targeted Malware
From ACM News

A Who's Who of Mideast-Targeted Malware

What do Stuxnet, Duqu, Gauss, Mahdi, Flame, Wiper, and Shamoon have in common?

Inside Huawei, the Chinese Tech Giant That's Rattling Nerves in D.c.
From ACM News

Inside Huawei, the Chinese Tech Giant That's Rattling Nerves in D.c.

Chen Lifang is a bit flummoxed.

Apple-Samsung Jury Foreman Recalls 'aha! Moment'
From ACM Opinion

Apple-Samsung Jury Foreman Recalls 'aha! Moment'

According to Velvin Hogan, the 67-year-old foreman of the jury in the U.S. trial between the Apple and Samsung, one of the turning points in group's journey to came...

At Getty Museum, Revelations of Art via Tech
From ACM News

At Getty Museum, Revelations of Art via Tech

Walking through gallery after gallery of classical European paintings, sculptures, and other antiquities at the J. Paul Getty Museum here, it's easy to get lost...

How Google Is Becoming an Extension of Your Mind
From ACM Opinion

How Google Is Becoming an Extension of Your Mind

It's time to think of Google as much more than just a search engine, and that should both excite and spook you.

The Man Who Keeps Facebook Humming
From ACM Opinion

The Man Who Keeps Facebook Humming

Jay Parikh is happy to never get a call from Mark Zuckerberg. Why? It means he's doing his job well. As the vice president of infrastructure engineering at Facebook...

From ACM News

Browser Choice: A Thing of the Past?

Like to pick your browser? Beware, because new mobile devices threaten to stifle the competitive vigor of the market for Web browsers on PCs.

Leap Motion: 3D Hands-Free Motion Control, Unbound
From ACM News

Leap Motion: 3D Hands-Free Motion Control, Unbound

Hands-free motion control, a technology pioneered by Nintendo's Wii and later improved upon by Microsoft's Kinect, just took a very big leap forward.

FBI: We Need Wiretap-Ready Web Sites
From ACM News

FBI: We Need Wiretap-Ready Web Sites

The FBI is asking Internet companies not to oppose a controversial proposal that would require the firms, including Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, and Google, to build...

Hackers Turn MIT Building Into Giant Tetris Game
From ACM News

Hackers Turn MIT Building Into Giant Tetris Game

Hackers overrode the tallest building in Cambridge, Mass., last week, turning the 21-story Green Building at MIT into a giant Tetris puzzle game controllable from...

Pentagon Eyes Augmented Reality Displays
From ACM News

Pentagon Eyes Augmented Reality Displays

The Defense Department has reportedly ordered augmented-reality displays from startup Innovega, only a week after Google disclosed its own augmented-reality project...

Global Manhunt Will Leverage Social Media to Find 'suspects'
From ACM News

Global Manhunt Will Leverage Social Media to Find 'suspects'

If you had to track down fugitives hidden in five cities around the world, would one day and a $5,000 reward be enough to succeed?

Survey: Android Programmers Shifting Toward Web Apps
From ACM TechNews

Survey: Android Programmers Shifting Toward Web Apps

Android is gradually slipping down mobile programmers' priority list, with Web apps stepping in as an answer to development difficulties, according to a recent...

Jeff Jaffe Lights a Fire ­nder Web Standardization
From ACM Opinion

Jeff Jaffe Lights a Fire ­nder Web Standardization

 It's been an action-packed two years since Jeff Jaffe took over as the World Wide Web Consortium's chief executive, but more action is the order of the day at...

Why the Security Industry Never Actually Makes ­s Secure
From ACM News

Why the Security Industry Never Actually Makes ­s Secure

Every year, security vendors gather at the RSA conference here to reaffirm their commitment to fencing out hackers and keeping data safe. And every year, corporate...

In the World of Big Data, Privacy Invasion Is the Business Model
From ACM News

In the World of Big Data, Privacy Invasion Is the Business Model

Recent weeks have seen a lot of (overdue) talk about privacy and technology. There was theflap over Path and other mobile apps uploading your phone's address books...

Standards Leader Blasts Html5 Video Copy Protection
From ACM TechNews

Standards Leader Blasts Html5 Video Copy Protection

Microsoft, Google, and Netflix recently proposed a standard for copy-protected Web video, but HTML editor Ian Hickson calls it impractical and unethical.  
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