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subjectHuman Computer Interaction

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Egypt's Internet Goes Dark During Political ­nrest

Egypt has gone offline.

Wolfram Education Apps Raise Teaching Dilemma
From ACM News

Wolfram Education Apps Raise Teaching Dilemma

Wolfram Research, a software company with deep mathematical and scientific expertise, is expanding to the broad education market with a range of mobile apps.

Intel's 2nd-Gen Chip Arrives, with Hollywood in Tow
From ACM News

Intel's 2nd-Gen Chip Arrives, with Hollywood in Tow

Intel is officially announcing its next-generation processor tomorrow—and Hollywood is playing a big role.

Android Programming's ­ps and Downs
From ACM Opinion

Android Programming's ­ps and Downs

As smartphones using Google's Android operating system become mainstream, James Steele and Nelson To are in a pretty good position.

Web Giants Get Bigger, Location Takes Off
From ACM News

Web Giants Get Bigger, Location Takes Off

The easiest way to sum up the Web in 2010 is that it was a year of growth. The big got bigger and smaller companies came out of the woodwork with new plays on...

Apple to Tap Intel's Graphics For Future Macbooks
From ACM News

Apple to Tap Intel's Graphics For Future Macbooks

Apple has decided to use Intel's upcoming Sandy Bridge processors in its MacBook line, a transition that will occur in 2011, squeezing out Nvidia's graphics processors...

Wikileaks Armors Itself to Survive Cyberattacks
From ACM News

Wikileaks Armors Itself to Survive Cyberattacks

As its operations have come under increasing financial and political pressure, WikiLeaks has quietly bolstered its electronic defenses in an attempt to become...

­.s. Chip Manufacturing in the Age of the Ipad
From ACM News

­.s. Chip Manufacturing in the Age of the Ipad

Behind the fly-off-the-shelf popularity of products like Apple's iPad and iPhone are hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs—mostly overseas. Is it possible...

Ibm Chips: Let There Be Light Signals
From ACM News

Ibm Chips: Let There Be Light Signals

IBM has achieved a major milestone in making the dream of silicon photonics, in which computer chips send signals of light rather than electricity, into reality...

Wikileaks Files Detail ­.s. Electronic Surveillance
From ACM News

Wikileaks Files Detail ­.s. Electronic Surveillance

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ordered clandestine surveillance of United Nations leadership, including obtaining "security measures, passwords, personalWikiLeaks...

Windows at 25: A Tech King with Growing Competition
From ACM News

Windows at 25: A Tech King with Growing Competition

When the first Windows operating system was introduced by Microsoft, Ronald Reagan was in the White House, John Hughes was introducing touching teen stereotypes...

AT&T ­ps the Ante in Speech Recognition
From ACM TechNews

AT&T ­ps the Ante in Speech Recognition

AT&T says it has devised technologies to boost the accuracy of speech and language recognition technology as well as extend voice activation to other modes of communication...

Web Developers Tackle Advanced Font Controls
From ACM TechNews

Web Developers Tackle Advanced Font Controls

The Cascading Style Sheets Web formatting standard is benefiting from new font technology, which is enabling developers to increasingly use a more polished look...

At&t Prepares For the End to Iphone Exclusivity
From ACM News

At&t Prepares For the End to Iphone Exclusivity

The end of 2010 is close and it looks like AT&T is beefing up its device portfolio and app offerings for a day when it isn't the only U.S. operator offering the...

Will the It Guy Learn to Love Apple?
From ACM News

Will the It Guy Learn to Love Apple?

It's likely you've got an Apple product plugged into your ears when you're listening to music. Making a phone call? One out of every five people buying a smartphone...

Long-Range Undersea Robot Does Its Own Research
From ACM News

Long-Range Undersea Robot Does Its Own Research

A new breed of undersea robot promises to give oceanographers a deeper understanding of ocean life by going faster, farther, and longer than its predecessors—and...

Catching ­p with Multitouch Pioneer Jeff Han
From ACM News

Catching ­p with Multitouch Pioneer Jeff Han

When it comes to the future of technology, Jeff Han literally has his finger on the pulse.

From ACM News

A Day Seen Through Google Searches

Google likes to think of itself as the world's information barometer, the most complete repository of human intent as measured by the Internet search query. Around...

Researchers Attack Transistors to Slay Vampire Power
From ACM News

Researchers Attack Transistors to Slay Vampire Power

The European Union is sponsoring a multimillion-dollar research project to boost the efficiency of everyday electronics and choke the constant flow of wasted...

From ACM News

How Google Tested Google Instant

In a world of data-obsessed number-crunching engineers, Google's John Boyd is the people person.
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