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subjectHuman Computer Interaction

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Cell Phone Is 'gadget of Choice' For Americans

U.S. consumers crave their gadgets, but the cell phone rules them all, according to a new Pew Internet study.

Microsoft Fixes Record 49 Holes, Including Stuxnet Flaw
From ACM News

Microsoft Fixes Record 49 Holes, Including Stuxnet Flaw

In a record Patch Tuesday, Microsoft released updates today for Windows, Internet Explorer, and the .NET framework that feature fixes for 49 holes, including...

From ACM News

Eu Calls Stuxnet 'paradigm Shift' As U.s. Responds More Mildly

While official U.S. response has been comparatively mild, the European Union's cybersecurity agency says Stuxnet represents a "paradigm shift" in critical infrastructure...

Does Science Education Need a Dose of Danger?
From ACM News

Does Science Education Need a Dose of Danger?

Under the shadow of the Cold War-era Titan II and Atlas rockets set up outside the New York Hall of Science, this weekend's World Maker Faire extravaganza was...

From ACM News

Is 4G Wireless Enough to Sate Consumers?

As data traffic explodes on wireless networks thanks to smartphones and other connected mobile devices, 4G wireless technology is expected to solve mobile operators'...

IBM Ceo: Smart Grid Is Internet of Things
From ACM News

IBM Ceo: Smart Grid Is Internet of Things

In a rare public speaking occasion, IBM CEO Sam Palmisano said that today's energy infrastructure needs to be further digitized and focused on the end consumer...

Intel Will Teach Gadgets to Learn About You
From ACM News

Intel Will Teach Gadgets to Learn About You

Rather than teach your gadgets what to do, Intel researchers say that in the not-too-distant future they will learn about you on their own. That means where you...

The Human Process Behind Google's Algorithm
From ACM News

The Human Process Behind Google's Algorithm

Google is famous for evangelizing the power of the algorithm. It spends less time talking about the several hundred human beings who influence its algorithm.

From ACM News

Google Finding Its Voice

Google's Mike Cohen won't be satisfied until anyone who wants to talk to their computer can do so without laughing at the hideous translation or sighing in frustration...

Emotionml: Will Computers Tap Into Your Feelings?
From ACM News

Emotionml: Will Computers Tap Into Your Feelings?

For all those who believe the computing industry is populated by people who are out of touch with the world of emotion, it's time to think again.

Virtual Farm Games Absorb Real Money, Real Lives
From ACM News

Virtual Farm Games Absorb Real Money, Real Lives

Last century's cash crops included tobacco, cotton, and sugar cane. Now we have magic cauliflower and super berries, too—and even though they can't be sold at...

For Kevin Mitnick, Staying Legal Is Job One
From ACM News

For Kevin Mitnick, Staying Legal Is Job One

Kevin Mitnick was eager to participate in a social-engineering contest at the Defcon hacker conference in Las Vegas last weekend and was told he would target Microsoft...

­.s. Military Cyberwar: What's Off-Limits?
From ACM News

­.s. Military Cyberwar: What's Off-Limits?

The United States should decide on rules for attacking other nations' networks in advance of an actual cyberwar, which could include an international agreement...

From ACM News

Working to Make Combat Soldiers' Lives Easier

In combat, things can be so chaotic and loud that soldiers sometimes aren't even aware they're being shot at.

A Decade Later, Internet Appliance Dream Is Realized
From ACM News

A Decade Later, Internet Appliance Dream Is Realized

Ten years ago, the next big thing in tech was supposed to be the Internet appliance: a device that offered tech newbies a simpler and cheaper way to get onto the...

IBM Names Firefox Its Default Browser
From ACM News

IBM Names Firefox Its Default Browser

Firefox has become the default browser for nearly 400,000 IBM employees, a big coup for the open-source project during a time of increasing browser competition.

Japan's Creepy Kid Robots Perfect Pals For Chucky
From ACM TechNews

Japan's Creepy Kid Robots Perfect Pals For Chucky

Japanese engineers have created two robots designed to interact with children and mimic human growth. Researchers say the robots could inform cognitive development...

Behind the Scenes of Windows Phone 7
From ACM News

Behind the Scenes of Windows Phone 7

The first Windows Phone 7 devices won't hit the market until the holidays. But in various conference rooms here on this Thursday in late May, it's already crunch...

Microsoft's Xbox Motion Control System Is Kinect
From ACM News

Microsoft's Xbox Motion Control System Is Kinect

After more than a year of speculation, we finally know what Microsoft's new motion-control system is called. For those that have referred to it for a year as Project...

Augmented Reality Edges Closer to Mainstream
From ACM News

Augmented Reality Edges Closer to Mainstream

To an unenlightened observer, Ron Haidenger's demonstration of playing a video game by tilting a piece of cardboard back and forth looks more than a little bit...
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