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subjectHuman Computer Interaction

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Black Hole Mystery Solved With Most Detailed Simulation Ever
From ACM TechNews

Black Hole Mystery Solved With Most Detailed Simulation Ever

An international team of researchers used a supercomputer and custom-written code to generate the "most detailed" black hole simulation yet.

Nvidia Developing an 'Autonomous Car Driver's License' Based on Its Tech
From ACM TechNews

Nvidia Developing an 'Autonomous Car Driver's License' Based on Its Tech

Nvidia it is working with German standards body TÜV SÜD to develop a kind of driver's license for self-driving cars.

FBI Head Christopher Wray: We Can't Let Criminals Hide Behind Encryption
From ACM Opinion

FBI Head Christopher Wray: We Can't Let Criminals Hide Behind Encryption

Encryption should have limits. That's the message FBI Director Christopher Wray had for cybersecurity experts Tuesday.

5G Is Still a Little Magic, a Little Smoke and Mirrors
From ACM News

5G Is Still a Little Magic, a Little Smoke and Mirrors

The scene on the big display in front of me looks like something from Grey's Anatomy.

Huawei Founder Says ­S Treats 5G Like 'Military' Tech
From ACM News

Huawei Founder Says ­S Treats 5G Like 'Military' Tech

Huawei boss Ren Zhengfei is downplaying the idea that there's danger in his company's taking a lead role as 5G networks become a widespread reality.

Scientists Connect Human Brain, 'Rat Cyborg' Brain Together
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Connect Human Brain, 'Rat Cyborg' Brain Together

Chinese researchers have constructed a wireless brain-to-brain interface that enables a human to direct a rat through a maze.

B-Secur HeartKey Tech ­nlocks Your Car with ­nique Rhythm of Your Heartbeat
From ACM TechNews

B-Secur HeartKey Tech ­nlocks Your Car with ­nique Rhythm of Your Heartbeat

B-Secur's HeartKey technology allows users to unlock and start their cars via the unique beating pattern of their heart.

Electronic Voting Was Going to Be the Future. Now Paper's Making a Comeback
From ACM News

Electronic Voting Was Going to Be the Future. Now Paper's Making a Comeback

You could call it buyer's remorse. Five US states went all in on electronic voting machines, and four of those states are poised to get out.

With 5G, You Won't Just Be Watching Video. It'll Be Watching You, Too
From ACM News

With 5G, You Won't Just Be Watching Video. It'll Be Watching You, Too

Remember the last time you felt terrified during a horror movie? Take that moment, and all the suspense leading up to it, and imagine it individually calibrated...

Welcome to the Airport of the Future, Where Your Face Is Your Passport
From ACM News

Welcome to the Airport of the Future, Where Your Face Is Your Passport

Australia is a bloody long way from the rest of the world.

Color X-Ray Scanner ­ses CERN Tech to See All Your Innards
From ACM News

Color X-Ray Scanner ­ses CERN Tech to See All Your Innards

The familiar black-and-white X-ray could soon be replaced with detailed 3D color scans that show everything from fat and bone to metal and soft tissue.

Inside Facebook, Twitter and Google's AI Battle Over Your Social Lives
From ACM News

Inside Facebook, Twitter and Google's AI Battle Over Your Social Lives

When you sign up for Facebook on your phone, the app isn't just giving you the latest updates and photos from your friends and family.

AI Chips May Give You a Real Reason to Upgrade Your Smartphone
From ACM News

AI Chips May Give You a Real Reason to Upgrade Your Smartphone

You've likely seen artificial intelligence technology spread into apps, devices and services, doing things like recognizing your friends' faces in photos and endowing...

Building Better Maps for the Disability Community
From ACM News

Building Better Maps for the Disability Community

Occupational therapist turned disability rights activist Alanna Raffel has spent her career thinking about accessibility. So for her 30th birthday last year, she...

Your Alexa and Fitbit Can Testify Against You in Court
From ACM News

Your Alexa and Fitbit Can Testify Against You in Court

Ross Compton had no idea his pacemaker would finger him for arson.

Star Wars Robots Like R2-D2, C3PO Could Help You in Real Life
From ACM TechNews

Star Wars Robots Like R2-D2, C3PO Could Help You in Real Life

Texas A&M University professor Robin Murphy thinks robots such those featured in the "Star Wars" movies could have practical communicative applications.

Blockchain Explained: It Builds Trust When You Need It Most
From ACM Opinion

Blockchain Explained: It Builds Trust When You Need It Most

These days, we're having a harder and harder time trusting each other.

Tractor Beam Breakthrough Could Lead to Levitating Humans
From ACM News

Tractor Beam Breakthrough Could Lead to Levitating Humans

Tractor beams have made the jump from science fiction to reality in recent years, but only for levitating very small objects.

How Russian Trolls Lie Their Way to the Top of Your News Feed
From ACM News

How Russian Trolls Lie Their Way to the Top of Your News Feed

Going viral used to be harmless.

Singapore Teaches Its Seniors to Code
From ACM TechNews

Singapore Teaches Its Seniors to Code

Libraries in Singapore are hosting special versions of the global Hour of Code movement to help seniors learn how to program in the Swift language.
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