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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Massive Botnet 'indestructible,' Say Researchers

A new and improved botnet that has infected more than four million PCs is "practically indestructible," security researchers say. "TDL-4," the name for both the...

'hadoop Alternative' to Be Open Sourced
From ACM TechNews

'hadoop Alternative' to Be Open Sourced

LexisNexis will open source its HPCC Systems supercomputing platform and offer developers an alternative to the Hadoop framework for large-scale data processing...

From ACM News

Justices Question Microsoft's Vision of Patent Law

U.S. Supreme Court justices questioned Monday whether they should side with Microsoft and weaken the legal standard needed to invalidate a patent, with some justices...

From ACM News

Iranian General Accuses Siemens of Helping ­.s., Israel Build Stuxnet

An Iranian military commander Saturday accused the German electronics giant Siemens with helping U.S. and Israeli teams craft the Stuxnet worm that attacked his...

From ACM News

Ibm's Watson Not As Smart As You Think

As smart as IBM's Watson supercomputer may have seemed while defeating two former Jeopardy champions, it wouldn't be able to hold a conversation with or speak...

From ACM TechNews

Multicore Coding Standards Aim to Ease Programming

The Multicore Association has established specifications for a programming model designed to make it easier to write software for multicore chips, particularly...

From ACM TechNews

Yahoo Working on Hadoop Mapreduce 2

The next generation of Apache Hadoop will likely be released this year, says Yahoo!'s Todd Papaioannou. Apache Hadoop enables batch processing of petabytes of...

From ACM News

Big Data to Drive a Surveillance Society

As real-time and batch analytics evolve using big data processing engines such as Hadoop, corporations will be able to track our activities, habits, and locations...

The Clock Is Ticking on Encryption
From ACM TechNews

The Clock Is Ticking on Encryption

Cracking encrypted messages can take a very long time using existing technology. However, researchers warn that quantum computers eventually could make cracking...

From ACM TechNews

Python 3.2 Tweaked For Parallel Development

Python's developers plan to offer greater support for writing multithreaded applications in the 3.2 version of the open source programming language. The pre-release...

From ACM TechNews

Google Wave May Become an Apache Project

Google Wave's developers have submitted the software to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), making it a candidate to become a Podling included in the Apache Incubator...

Top Software Designer Promotes '21st Century' Techniques
From ACM TechNews

Top Software Designer Promotes '21st Century' Techniques

At the recent QCon software development conference, ThoughtWorks chief scientist Martin Fowler hailed concepts such as domain specific languages, continuous integration...

Tablet, Phone Software Developers Face Multicore Challenge
From ACM TechNews

Tablet, Phone Software Developers Face Multicore Challenge

Industry experts at the recent Linley Tech Processor conference said that writing applications for mobile devices could become more challenging as central processing...

From ACM TechNews

Regulators Blame Computer Algorithm for Stock Market 'Flash Crash'

A new report calls the May 6 stock market flash crash the responsibility of an automated trade execution system that inundated the Chicago Exchange's e-trading...

HTML5 May Help Web Pages Talk, Listen
From ACM TechNews

HTML5 May Help Web Pages Talk, Listen

A new World Wide Web Consortium project could lead to the incorporation of voice recognition and speech synthesis interfaces within Web pages.  

From ACM News

Ready for 2020? Advice for Every Career Stage

Information technology has always been a fast-changing field. But nothing compares to the expected sea changes in the next decade that will impact the career...

Web Could Be Stylized By New W3c Font Platform
From ACM TechNews

Web Could Be Stylized By New W3c Font Platform

The World Wide Web Consortium's Web Fonts Working Group has launched version 1.0 of the Web Open File Format (WOFF), compression technology that will provide a...

From ACM TechNews

Robots as the Next Big Industry?

Although a lot of artificial intelligence (AI) research has moved away from robotics and into creating algorithms for business intelligence, finance, the Web, and...

Sony Says 535,000 Vaio Laptops at Risk of Overheating
From ACM News

Sony Says 535,000 Vaio Laptops at Risk of Overheating

More than half a million Sony Vaio F and C series laptops sold this year contain a software bug that could lead them to overheat, the company said. A bug in the...

From ACM TechNews

U.K. Researchers Building 'Fat-Free' Cloud Programming Framework

Researchers at Citrix and the universities of Cambridge and Nottingham have developed Mirage, a programming framework aimed at supporting applications that run...
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