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subjectHuman Computer Interaction

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

NASA Upgrades Humanoid Robot in Space
From ACM TechNews

NASA Upgrades Humanoid Robot in Space

Robonaut 2, a humanoid robot that has been working on the International Space Station since 2011, is getting a series of upgrades.

Roads in the Future Will Need Data Standards as Well as Signs, Says Dot's Cio
From ACM TechNews

Roads in the Future Will Need Data Standards as Well as Signs, Says Dot's Cio

Data standards will be needed to facilitate traffic flow in the future, and government officials, engineers, and automakers are considering how to implement the...

Meet Diesel, a Cute Dog and Organic Robot
From ACM TechNews

Meet Diesel, a Cute Dog and Organic Robot

A Labrador Retriever named Diesel has become a canine that functions as a Cyber-Physical Search and Rescue Dog through a high-tech vest. 

Hail Cyborgs! The Line Between Robots and Humans Is Blurring
From ACM TechNews

Hail Cyborgs! The Line Between Robots and Humans Is Blurring

The advance of robotics heralds an increasingly porous boundary between machines and people.

AI Gets Its Groove Back
From ACM TechNews

AI Gets Its Groove Back

The field of artificial intelligence is making real progress after a long period of sporadic advances that failed to pan out. 

Home ­sers Cite Laziness For Lax Online Security
From ACM TechNews

Home ­sers Cite Laziness For Lax Online Security

A survey examining why people do not adequately protect their home computers found that about 80 percent of respondents said they were too lazy. 

Dell's New Research Division Wants Computers to Detect Your Mood
From ACM TechNews

Dell's New Research Division Wants Computers to Detect Your Mood

Dell Research is conducting experiments to detect a person's mood, for use in computers involved with education and communications. 

Half of Americans Want to Live in a Smart City With Driverless Cars
From ACM TechNews

Half of Americans Want to Live in a Smart City With Driverless Cars

Nearly half of Americans want to live in a city where all vehicles are driverless, and a third think that might happen in the next 10 years, according to an Intel...

Google Is Developing a Smart Contact Lens
From ACM TechNews

Google Is Developing a Smart Contact Lens

Google researchers are developing a smart contact lens that uses tiny chips, sensors, and antennas to continuously test diabetics' blood sugar levels. 

Researchers Aim to Revolutionize 3D Printing, Global Manufacturing
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Aim to Revolutionize 3D Printing, Global Manufacturing

Researchers are developing new materials to be used for 3D printing, and are working on a technique for building multiple materials into the same product. 

By 2018, Cars Will Be Self-Aware
From ACM TechNews

By 2018, Cars Will Be Self-Aware

"Cars will become the first robot most of us experience in our lifetime," says Gartner analyst Thilo Koslowski. 

Researchers Compete to Bring Humanoid Robots to Life
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Compete to Bring Humanoid Robots to Life

During the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Robotics Challenge,  researchers will compete to enable humanoid robots to collaborate with humans. 

Your Car Is About to Go Open Source
From ACM TechNews

Your Car Is About to Go Open Source

Automakers are working to standardize a Linux-based operating system for in-vehicle infotainment systems that would make cars act more like smartphones. 

Nissan Plans to Offer Affordable Self-Driving Cars By 2020
From ACM TechNews

Nissan Plans to Offer Affordable Self-Driving Cars By 2020

Nissan says it is on track to begin selling self-driving cars by the end of this decade. 

Researchers ­se Augmented Reality to Coach Train Drivers
From ACM TechNews

Researchers ­se Augmented Reality to Coach Train Drivers

Central University of Queensland researchers are improving train driving simulations with augmented reality in order to facilitate drivers' skills development....

NASA Calls on Researchers to Build Smarter Space Robot
From ACM TechNews

NASA Calls on Researchers to Build Smarter Space Robot

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration has announced a new challenge focused on building a smart robot. 

Watson and the Future of Cognitive Computing
From ACM TechNews

Watson and the Future of Cognitive Computing

Many applications being explored on the Watson supercomputer involve processing huge volumes of data rapidly to enable cognitive systems to engage with people in...

Csiro Telepresence Robots Connect Students With National Museum
From ACM TechNews

Csiro Telepresence Robots Connect Students With National Museum

Australia's National Museum has launched a trial that enables schoolchildren to remotely navigate its galleries via robots that contain telepresence technology. ...

MIT Aids Human, Robot Cooperation With Cross-Training
From ACM TechNews

MIT Aids Human, Robot Cooperation With Cross-Training

MIT researchers have developed an algorithm that enables robots to learn from switching roles with humans.

Intel Plans on Controlling Computers With a Dirty Look
From ACM TechNews

Intel Plans on Controlling Computers With a Dirty Look

Perceptual computing was the focus of Intel researchers at the recent International CES conference. Intel views gestures, voice commands, and facial expressions...
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