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subjectHuman Computer Interaction

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Intel Researchers Work on New Way to Display, Share Images
From ACM TechNews

Intel Researchers Work on New Way to Display, Share Images

Intel researchers are developing Display without Borders, a system to display photos and videos in order to make them more social and collaborative.  

Intel Strives to Develop Tiny Chips to Run Wearable Computers
From ACM TechNews

Intel Strives to Develop Tiny Chips to Run Wearable Computers

Intel researchers are developing tiny microprocessors that would power wearable computers. 

Self-Driving Cars a Reality For 'ordinary People' Within 5 Years, Says Google's Sergey Brin
From ACM TechNews

Self-Driving Cars a Reality For 'ordinary People' Within 5 Years, Says Google's Sergey Brin

Self-driving, autonomous vehicles will be available for "ordinary people" in less than five years and they will be much safer than those driven by humans, says...

Nasa ­pgrades Mars Curiosity Software ... from 350m Miles Away
From ACM News

Nasa ­pgrades Mars Curiosity Software ... from 350m Miles Away

Picture doing a remote software upgrade. Now picture doing it when the machine you're upgrading is a robotic rover sitting 350 million miles away, on the surface...

From ACM News

Fbi Seeks Social Media Monitoring Tool

The goal is to use the tool to keep on top of breaking events, incidents and emerging threats, the agency said in a recent Request for Information  from IT vendors...

Will Microsoft's 'minority Report' ­i Leap-Frog Apple?
From ACM TechNews

Will Microsoft's 'minority Report' ­i Leap-Frog Apple?

Although Apple has pioneered the mainstream multitouch user interface (UI), Microsoft could provide the next major UI breakthrough by combining voice, touch, and...

New Computer Interfaces Challenge Touch Screens
From ACM TechNews

New Computer Interfaces Challenge Touch Screens

Researchers at several recent conferences have shown how new interfaces could change the future of human-computer interaction.

From ACM News

Massive Botnet 'indestructible,' Say Researchers

A new and improved botnet that has infected more than four million PCs is "practically indestructible," security researchers say. "TDL-4," the name for both the...

Bin Laden's Villa Lacked Internet, Phone Service
From ACM News

Bin Laden's Villa Lacked Internet, Phone Service

The absence of Internet and telephone service at Osama bin Laden's $1 million hiding place helped tip off intelligence experts that the Al Qaeda leader was indeed...

From ACM News

Iranian General Accuses Siemens of Helping ­.s., Israel Build Stuxnet

An Iranian military commander Saturday accused the German electronics giant Siemens with helping U.S. and Israeli teams craft the Stuxnet worm that attacked his...

From ACM News

Ibm's Watson Not As Smart As You Think

As smart as IBM's Watson supercomputer may have seemed while defeating two former Jeopardy champions, it wouldn't be able to hold a conversation with or speak...

From ACM News

U.s. Can Conduct Offsite Searches of Computers Seized at Borders, Court Rules

Laptop computers and other digital devices carried into the U.S. may be seized from travelers without a warrant and sent to a secondary site for forensic inspection...

From ACM News

Big Data to Drive a Surveillance Society

As real-time and batch analytics evolve using big data processing engines such as Hadoop, corporations will be able to track our activities, habits, and locations...

From ACM News

The Clock Is Ticking on Encryption

Today's secure cipher-text may be tomorrow's open book.

From ACM TechNews

W3c ­pdates Html5, Makes Math Easy

The W3C's updated MathML standard for rendering mathematical notations on Web pages better portrays math symbols and supports more languages. Designers will be...

HTML5 May Help Web Pages Talk, Listen
From ACM TechNews

HTML5 May Help Web Pages Talk, Listen

A new World Wide Web Consortium project could lead to the incorporation of voice recognition and speech synthesis interfaces within Web pages.  

Intel to Focus on How Computers Will Be ­sed in the Future
From ACM TechNews

Intel to Focus on How Computers Will Be ­sed in the Future

Intel has created Interaction and Experience Research, a new research lab led by Intel fellow Genevieve Bell that will enable scientists to explore how people will...

Touch, Gesture, Speak, Scan: A 'nui' For Enterprise It
From ACM TechNews

Touch, Gesture, Speak, Scan: A 'nui' For Enterprise It

Microsoft's Natal natural user interface (NUI) features heat-sensing displays and an infrared camera and is designed to work as a game controller for the Xbox. 

From ACM TechNews

Intel Guru Says 3-D Internet Will Arrive Within Five Years

Intel Labs technology evangelist Sean Koehl speculates that technological advances could make realistic three-dimensional Internet applications a reality in five...

MIT Researchers Developing Robotic Driving Companion
From ACM TechNews

MIT Researchers Developing Robotic Driving Companion

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are developing the Affective Intelligent Driving Agent (AIDA), a robot that would act as a helpful...
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