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Communications of the ACM


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subjectComputers And Society
authorDon Monroe

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Deep Learning Aces Protein Folding
From ACM News

Deep Learning Aces Protein Folding

In a long-running prediction challenge, DeepMind's algorithms change the game.

Algorithms to Harvest the Wind
From Communications of the ACM

Algorithms to Harvest the Wind

Wake steering can help ever-larger turbines work together more efficiently on wind farms.

"when Performance Is Pursued Above All"
From ACM News

"when Performance Is Pursued Above All"

Long-overlooked CPU vulnerabilities have come to light.

Still Seeking the Optical Transistor
From Communications of the ACM

Still Seeking the Optical Transistor

Optical information handling is a critical staple for communications and the Internet, but using light for computer-scale computation remains a distant dream.

Wind-Driven Data
From ACM News

Wind-Driven Data

Green-conscious data centers increasingly will be powered by renewable energy.

The Computer That Got Down to Business
From ACM News

The Computer That Got Down to Business

A U.K. museum's quest to get a 5.5-ton computer up and running is about more than preserving a piece of computing history; it's about understanding the constraints...

Lowering the Energy Overhead For Data
From ACM News

Lowering the Energy Overhead For Data

U.S. data centers are now eligible to receive Energy Star certification, if they are sufficiently energy efficient.

Lean, Green Machines
From ACM News

Lean, Green Machines

Designers of the German supercomputers that won the latest Green500 prize, which rewards not just computing power but energy efficiency, did not set out to win...

Rewiring Cities For a More Convenient Future
From ACM News

Rewiring Cities For a More Convenient Future

Over the next few years, several Chinese cities aim to add broadband and other services that establish them as "e-cities" or "digital cities." The cities will use...

Micromedicine to the Rescue
From Communications of the ACM

Micromedicine to the Rescue

Medical researchers have long dreamed of "magic bullets" that go directly where they are needed. Now micromedicine and nanotechnology are making a range of molecules...
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